12/21/2017 |
Office of the Assessor-Recorder: Audit of the Social Security Number Truncation Program
12/21/2017 |
Joint Report FY 2018-19 through FY 2021-22
12/8/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: November 2017
12/8/2017 |
Budget Instructions for Fiscal Years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
12/8/2017 |
Budget Instructions Forms for Fiscal Years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020
12/7/2017 |
Prequalified List Use Guidelines
12/7/2017 |
Performance Scorecards Update and FY17 Performance Measures
12/6/2017 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2017-18 Quarter 1 Report
12/5/2017 |
Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report (FY 2016-17)
11/30/2017 |
2017 City Survey Infographic: Schools in San Francisco
11/21/2017 |
The Effect of Construction on Local Businesses
11/20/2017 |
Board of Supervisors Budget Process Review
11/16/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: October 2017
11/14/2017 |
FY17 Nonprofit Monitoring Program Annual Report Highlights
11/14/2017 |
FY17 Nonprofit Monitoring Program Annual Report
11/13/2017 |
FY17 Nonprofit Monitoring Results Dataset
11/13/2017 |
SFMTA: Improving Muni Customer Service Process
11/9/2017 |
SFMTA: Cypress Security LLC Could Not Demonstrate Compliance With Contract Requirements Including Training, Health Benefits, and Minimum Compensation for Its Subcontractors’ Guards
11/8/2017 |
Fraud Bulletin - Grant Misuse
11/8/2017 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status - Fiscal Year 2017-18, First Quarter
10/24/2017 |
San Francisco Business Tax Reform: Annual Report for 2017
10/24/2017 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Information Technology Division Is Successfully Becoming a Strategic Partner but Needs to Improve Governance and Staffing
10/23/2017 |
Property Tax Rate History FY2017-18 (PDF)
10/23/2017 |
Property Tax Rate History FY2017-18 (Excel)
10/23/2017 |
Citywide Cash Transactions: Combined Report of 15 Cash Collection Locations of 5 City Departments Audited in Fiscal Year 2016-17 — Weaknesses Exist in Some Cash-Handling Processes
10/19/2017 |
Results of Construction Reports in Fiscal Years 2014-15 Through 2016-17
10/18/2017 |
Pier 70 Development Agreement and Proposed SUD: Economic Impact Report
10/12/2017 |
Controller's Annual Report Fee Reviews & Schedules - FY2016-17 & FY2017-18
10/12/2017 |
Comparative Analysis of Modular Housing Options for San Francisco’s Homeless
10/11/2017 |
Port Commission: Mama Franceschi, L.P., dba Capurro’s, Underpaid $682 in Rent to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
10/11/2017 |
Port Commission: Pier 23 Café, Inc., Underpaid $16,987 in Rent to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
10/4/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: September 2017
9/26/2017 |
SFMTA: IMCO Parking LLC Correctly Reported Fifth & Mission/Yerba Buena Parking Garage Revenues for July 2014 Through June 2016, but a Few Improvements Can Strengthen Its Operations
9/20/2017 |
Whistleblower Program: Annual Report and Quarter 4 Results, Fiscal Year 2016-17
9/19/2017 |
Airport Commission: Guava & Java Inc. Reported Its Revenues and Paid Rent for 2014 and 2015 per Its Lease but Did Not Retain Some Sales Records and Submitted a Required Annual Report Late
9/14/2017 |
Fraud Bulletin – Insider Threats
9/14/2017 |
City Services Auditor Recommendations Not Implemented After More Than Two Years on June 30, 2017
9/12/2017 |
Bulletin: Results of Eligibility Screening Audit Program
8/30/2017 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Annual Summary – Fiscal Year 2016-17
8/30/2017 |
Adult Probation Department Reentry Division CASC Program Analysis
8/28/2017 |
Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing: Increased Oversight, Fiscal Sponsorship Controls, and Accountability Are Needed to Improve United Council of Human Services’ Operations
8/25/2017 |
2017 Payroll Expense Tax Rate Letter to the Treasurer
8/24/2017 |
Management & Employment Practices Program Update
8/24/2017 |
FY 2017-18 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/15/2017 |
Annual General Obligation Bond Program Report, Fiscal Year 2016-17
8/10/2017 |
San Francisco Housing Authority Should Reorganize Its Finance Department to Better Meet Its Organizational Needs and Improve Its Financial Management Controls, Systems, and Staffing Strategies
8/8/2017 |
Airport Commission: SkyWest Airlines, Inc., Paid Its Landing Fees in Accordance With Its Operating Permit for July 1, 2013, Through June 30, 2015
8/4/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: July 2017
8/3/2017 |
Larkin Street Youth Services Adequately Identifies Program Expenses but Needs to Strengthen Its Internal Controls
8/3/2017 |
Results of 9-1-1 Dispatcher Training Analysis
7/31/2017 |
Cash Fare Collection Procedures and Controls on SFMTA Cable Cars Are Inadequate, Creating Opportunity for Fraud and Theft
7/28/2017 |
External Quality Control Review of the CSA Audits Unit for 2014 Through 2016
7/27/2017 |
FY2017-18 & FY2018-19 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
7/27/2017 |
FY2017-18 & FY2018-19 Salary Ordinance
7/27/2017 |
Human Services Agency: Edgewood Center for Children and Families’ Residential Treatment Program Cost Proposal Is Adequately Supported by Its Financial Records
7/26/2017 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2017
7/24/2017 |
Office of the Controller: City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan Fiscal Year 2017-18
7/11/2017 |
SFMTA Public Participation Plan - Project Overview
7/11/2017 |
SFMTA Language Assistance Plan - Project Overview
7/10/2017 |
Port Commission: Sitting By, Inc., dba Hi Dive, Underpaid $5,459 in Rent to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
7/3/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: June 2017
6/29/2017 |
Airport Commission: Books, Inc., Reported Its Revenues and Paid Rent for 2014 and 2015 per Its Lease Agreement but Did Not Provide the Required Certified Financial Reports
6/29/2017 |
Airport Commission: Rylo Management, LLC, dba Three Twins Ice Cream, Reported Its Revenues and Paid Rent for 2014 and 2015 per Its Lease but Did Not Provide Certified Financial Reports
6/26/2017 |
SF Benefits Net Staffing Analysis
6/20/2017 |
Department of Public Health: Field Follow-up of 2014 Audit of San Francisco General Hospital’s Materials Management Department
6/15/2017 |
Department of Public Works: Field Follow-up of the 2014 Audit of the Department of Public Works’ Public Safety Building Project
6/15/2017 |
Redesigning the Homeless Outreach Team: Summary of Recommendations to Improve Program Objectives and Structure
6/13/2017 |
Airport: Marilla Chocolate Company, Inc., dba California Lifestyles Reported Its Revenues and Paid Rent for 5/1/14 – 4/30/16 per Its Lease Agreement but Submitted a Required Annual Report Late
6/13/2017 |
Banning the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products: Economic Impact Report
6/9/2017 |
FY2017-18 and FY2018-19 Revenue Letter
6/8/2017 |
SFPUC: The Wastewater Enterprise Should Better Manage and Monitor Work Flow, Premium Pay, Overtime, and Absenteeism
6/7/2017 |
San Francisco Employees’ Retirement System Complied With Its Solicitation Procedures for Investment Managers and Consulting Services but Can Better Administer Its Non-Investment Services Contracts
6/6/2017 |
City and County of San Francisco: All 10 Selected Organizations Complied With the San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 12G, by Not Using City Funds for Political Activity for Fiscal Year 2014-15
6/5/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: May 2017
6/1/2017 |
Fraud Bulletin – Cash Skimming
6/1/2017 |
Mayor's Proposed (Interim) Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as of June 1, 2017
6/1/2017 |
Mayor's Proposed (Interim) Salary Ordinance as of June 1, 2017
5/26/2017 |
Cash Handling Bulletin: Common Cash Handling Weaknesses
5/25/2017 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Improved Vehicle Performance Data and Inventory Controls Could Strengthen the Agency’s Nonrevenue Fleet Management
5/23/2017 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2016-17 Quarter 3 Report
5/22/2017 |
Master Fee Schedule FY 2017-2018 and FY 2018-2019, Revised
5/18/2017 |
Adult Protective Services Staffing Analysis
5/12/2017 |
Modifying Inclusionary Housing Requirements: Economic Impact Report
5/10/2017 |
FY 2016-17 Nine-Month Budget Status Report Revised
5/9/2017 |
2017 San Francisco City Survey
5/8/2017 |
Voter-Required Spending Baselines in San Francisco and California
5/4/2017 |
Airport Commission: Virgin America, Inc., Correctly Paid Its Landing Fees for July 1, 2013, Through June 30, 2015
5/3/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: February, March and April 2017
5/2/2017 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status – Fiscal Year 2016-17, Third Quarter
5/2/2017 |
Special Events and DEM Medical Plan Coordination in San Francisco
4/27/2017 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2016
4/27/2017 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2016
4/25/2017 |
Port Commission: RGN Corporation dba Butterfly Restaurant Underpaid $5,631 in Rent to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
4/20/2017 |
Citywide Cash Disbursements and Contract Compliance Audit
4/17/2017 |
Department of Public Health: Field Follow-up of 2013 Audit of the Department’s Contract With MedImpact Healthcare Systems, Inc.
4/11/2017 |
Citywide Construction: The City Would Benefit From a More Proactive Approach to Construction Safety Management
4/11/2017 |
FY2016 Transportation Development Act (TDA), Local Transportation Fund Report
4/11/2017 |
FY2016 Transportation Development Act (TDA), Article III Projects Report
3/31/2017 |
San Francisco Business Tax Reform:Annual Report for 2016
3/27/2017 |
Recreation and Park Commission: Yugi Golf Management LLC Correctly Reported Lincoln Park Golf Course Operating Revenues for 2013 and 2014 but Rec & Park Has Not Adjusted the Minimum Rent Since 1997
3/27/2017 |
Fraud Bulletin – Split Purchasing
3/23/2017 |
Five Year Financial Plan FY2017-18 to FY2021-22 Update
3/16/2017 |
Department of Public Works: The Department Expended 2008 SFGH Rebuild Bond Funds in Accordance With the Ballot Measure
3/15/2017 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2016-17 Quarter 2 Report
3/10/2017 |
Focus on Enforcement (SFPD District Collision Analysis)
2/27/2017 |
FY2016 Single Audit Report
2/23/2017 |
CITYWIDE CASH TRANSACTIONS: Combined Report of Six Audits in Fiscal Year 2015-16, Departments Need to Improve Cash Handling
2/17/2017 |
Citywide Benchmarking Report
2/16/2017 |
Department of Public Works: Management Letter on Benchmarking Costs for the 2011 Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond Program
2/16/2017 |
Department of Public Works: Management Letter on Benchmarking Costs for the 2010 Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond Program
2/14/2017 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status – Fiscal Year 2016-17, Second Quarter
2/13/2017 |
Office of the Assessor-Recorder: Field Follow-up of 2013 Audit of the Assessor-Recorder’s Social Security Number Truncation Program
2/13/2017 |
Inclusionary Housing Working Group: Final Report
2/13/2017 |
San Francisco Performance Scorecards Update & Fiscal Year 2015-16 Performance Measures
2/10/2017 |
FY 2016-17 6-Month Report
2/9/2017 |
FY 2015-16 Annual Overtime Report
2/7/2017 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: The Treasurer Complied With the Investment Requirements in State Law and the City's Investment Policy for the Year Ended June 30, 2016
2/3/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: January 2017
2/1/2017 |
Controller’s Office Review of 2016 Managed Care Contracts
1/26/2017 |
Assessor-Recorder Business Personal Property 571-L Statement Processing Analysis
1/18/2017 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Most GoSolarSF Incentives Were Paid Correctly, but the Environment Code and Some Program Controls Should Be Improved
1/17/2017 |
Recreation and Park & Public Works: Department Change Order Processes Increased Risk of Disputes and Delayed Contractor Payment for the Joe DiMaggio Playground Improvement Project
1/17/2017 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: As-Is Review of the Passenger Service Report Process
1/10/2017 |
Hope SF Development Agreements for Sunnydale and Potrero: Economic Impact Report
1/3/2017 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: December 2016
12/30/2016 |
FY2014-15 & FY2015-16 Biennial Development Impact Fee Report
12/22/2016 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Absence Management Efforts Can Be Enhanced Through Improved Organizational Culture and More Effective Program Management Tools
12/15/2016 |
Recreation and Park Commission: Murata’s Café Hana Overpaid $470 in Rent for Its Japanese Tea Garden Concession for 2013 and 2014
12/15/2016 |
Five Year Financial Plan FY2017-18 through FY2021-22
12/14/2016 |
Budget Instruction Forms for Fiscal Year 2017-18 and FY2018-19
12/14/2016 |
Budget Instructions for Fiscal Year 2017-18 and 2018-19
12/8/2016 |
Fraud Bulletin – Mischaracterized Expense
12/2/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: November 2016
12/1/2016 |
Cigarette Litter Abatement Fee Adjustment, Effective Jan 1, 2017
11/30/2016 |
2016 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
11/23/2016 |
Board of Supervisors: NRG Energy Center San Francisco LLC Properly Paid Its Franchise Fees for 2013 and 2014
11/16/2016 |
Board of Supervisors: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Properly Paid Its Franchise Fees and Surcharges for 2013 and 2014
11/15/2016 |
Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program: FY15-16 Annual Report
11/15/2016 |
Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program: FY15-16 Annual Report Highlights
11/15/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: October 2016
11/10/2016 |
San Francisco Public Library Public Services Division Staffing Analysis Appendices
11/10/2016 |
San Francisco Public Library Public Services Division Staffing Analysis
11/10/2016 |
San Francisco Public Library Public Services Division Staffing Analysis Summary
11/10/2016 |
FY16 Nonprofit Monitoring Results Dataset
11/8/2016 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2016-17 Quarter 1 Report
11/3/2016 |
Airport Commission: Transportation Network Company Operating Permit Audit – Rasier-CA, LLC, Correctly Paid the Airport $8.5 Million for 2.2 Million Vehicle Trips In October 2014 Through September 2015
11/3/2016 |
Airport Commission: Transportation Network Company Operating Permit Audit – Lyft, Inc., Complied With All Tested Transportation Requirements but Underpaid the Airport $30,042 in Trip Fees
11/3/2016 |
Airport: Transportation Network Company Operating Permit Audit – Wingz Correctly Paid the Airport $32,964 for 8,562 Vehicle Trips in Apr.- Sep. 2015 and Complied With Most Transportation Requirements
10/31/2016 |
Child Care (ECE) Market Rates Review 2016
10/27/2016 |
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco: The Corporation of the Fine Arts Museums Inappropriately Paid $450,773 to a City Employee. FAMSF and COFAM Should Improve Their Payroll and Disbursements Processes.
10/26/2016 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status – Fiscal Year 2016-17, First Quarter
10/26/2016 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Standards Annual Report (FY 2015-16)
10/25/2016 |
Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report (FY 2015-16)
10/20/2016 |
SFMTA: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Indirect Cost Allocation Plan for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015, Generally Complied With Federal Requirements
10/13/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: September 2016
10/12/2016 |
Public Health's Employee Separation Process Needs Improvement to Minimize the Risk of Unauthorized Access to Buildings, Property, and Data
10/5/2016 |
SF Emergency Medical Response: Ambulance Destinations and Ambulance Diversion
10/4/2016 |
Airport Commission: Pelican Communications, Inc., Correctly Reported Its Revenues and Paid Rent for 2013 and 2014 but Did Not Provide the Required Certified Financial Statements
9/29/2016 |
SFMTA: City of San Francisco Japan Center Garage Corporation Needs to Improve Some Operations at the Japan Center Garages
9/29/2016 |
SFMTA: LAZ Parking Correctly Reported Revenues of the Garage at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital for July 2013 Through June 2015, but a Few Improvements Can Strengthen Its Operations
9/22/2016 |
Port Commission: D&G Company dba Lou’s Pier 47 Underpaid $16,145 in Rent to the Port for January 2011 Through December 2013
9/13/2016 |
Inclusionary Housing Working Group: Preliminary Report September 2016
9/9/2016 |
San Francisco Performance Scorecards – Q4 Updates
9/8/2016 |
Nightlife Industries in San Francisco: 2016 Update
9/7/2016 |
Central Shops: Payments to Channel Lumber Complied With City Procurement Policies and Procedures but Some Controls Should Be Improved to Pay Vendors on Time & Take Advantage of Early Payment Discounts
9/6/2016 |
Airport Commission: Andale Mexican Restaurant and Bar Correctly Reported Its Revenue and Paid Its Rent for 2013 and 2014
9/1/2016 |
2016 Payroll Expense Tax Rate Computation Letter
9/1/2016 |
Whistleblower Program: Annual Report and Quarter 4 Results, Fiscal Year 2015-16
8/25/2016 |
Reinvesting in Shelter: Lessons from the Navigation Center
8/24/2016 |
Human Services Agency: Oversight of Arriba Juntos Grants Needs Improvement to Better Ensure Delivery of Services
8/15/2016 |
Controller's Annual Report Fee Reviews & Schedules - FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18
8/12/2016 |
Workforce Development Alignment Project Final Report
8/11/2016 |
FY2016-17 FY2017-18 Revenue Letter
8/11/2016 |
Central SoMa Nonprofit Nexus
8/9/2016 |
FY 2016-17 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/5/2016 |
FY17 & FY18 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
8/5/2016 |
FY2017 & FY2018 Salary Ordinance
8/4/2016 |
Human Services Agency: The Department Effectively Ensures That County Adult Assistance Programs Provide Maximum Benefits to Eligible Clients
8/3/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: June & July 2016
8/1/2016 |
Tax on Technology Companies to Fund Housing & Homeless Services: Economic Impact Report
7/28/2016 |
Office of the Controller: City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan Fiscal Year 2016-17
7/28/2016 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Annual Summary – Fiscal Year 2015-16
7/28/2016 |
City Services Auditor Recommendations Not Implemented After More Than Two Years on June 30, 2016
7/25/2016 |
Department of Public Works: Expenditures at the Department for the 2011 Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond Program Were in Accordance With the Ballot Measure
7/25/2016 |
Requiring Replacement Space: Economic Impact Report
7/14/2016 |
FY2016-17 & FY2017-18 Budget and Finance Committee Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
7/14/2016 |
FY2016-17 & FY2017-18 Budget and Finance Committee Salary Ordinance
7/13/2016 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Overhead Rate of One Central Subway Project Consultant Must Be Reduced
7/12/2016 |
Department of Public Works: Expenditures at the Department for the 2010 Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond Program Were in Accordance With the Ballot Measure
7/12/2016 |
Increases to the Sales Tax: Economic Impact Report
7/11/2016 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2016
7/7/2016 |
Airport Commission: Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. Correctly Paid Its Landing Fees for 2013 and 2014
7/6/2016 |
Annual General Obligation Bond Program Report, Fiscal Year 2015-16
7/5/2016 |
The Gig Economy in San Francisco: Prevalence, Growth, and Implications
6/30/2016 |
Hold or Dispose: Recommendations for Reducing the SFPD Property and Evidence Storage Footprint
6/29/2016 |
Department of Public Health: Field Follow-up of 2013 Audit of the Department of Public Health’s Purchasing Structure
6/29/2016 |
Transfer Tax Increase on Properties Over $5 Million in Value: Economic Impact Report
6/28/2016 |
Airport Commission: American Airlines, Inc., Correctly Paid Its Landing Fees for 2013 and 2014
6/23/2016 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: AutoReturn Complied With Key Contract Provisions and a Few Enhancements Can Further Strengthen AutoReturn’s Reporting and Recordkeeping
6/23/2016 |
Fraud Bulletin - Payroll Schemes
6/23/2016 |
Fraud Bulletin - Inventory Theft
6/22/2016 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2015
6/22/2016 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2015
6/21/2016 |
Navigation Center Year-End Evaluation
6/21/2016 |
Navigation Center Year-End Evaluation Infographic
6/16/2016 |
Controller’s Office Estimate of Paid Family Leave Costs for Non-profits
6/9/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: May 2016
6/9/2016 |
Office of the City Attorney: Field Follow-up of 2015 Assessment of the Department’s Cash Disbursements
6/8/2016 |
Fraud Bulletin – Bid Rigging
6/2/2016 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2015-16 Quarter 3 Report
5/31/2016 |
FY17 & FY18 Mayor's Proposed (Interim) Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
5/31/2016 |
FY17 & FY18 Mayor's Proposed (Interim) Salary Ordinance
5/25/2016 |
Airport Commission: The Airport Improved Its Construction Project Oversight, but Change Management and Data Reliability Procedures Must Be Strengthened
5/23/2016 |
Population Demographic Data by SFPD District
5/23/2016 |
City Services Auditor Summary of Recommendation Implementation Status - Fiscal Year 2015-16, Third Quarter
5/9/2016 |
Super Bowl 50: City Budget Impact Report
5/9/2016 |
FY 2015-16 Nine-Month Budget Status Report
5/9/2016 |
Citywide Contract Compliance Audit: The Contract Compliance of Many Vendor Payments Cannot Be Verified and the City Should More Often Take Advantage of Cost Savings Such as Early Payment Discounts
5/3/2016 |
Master Fee Schedule FY 2016-2017 and FY 2017-2018
5/2/2016 |
FY2016-2017 & FY2017-2018 Mayor's Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
5/2/2016 |
FY2016-2017 & FY2017-2018 Mayor's Proposed Salary Ordinance
5/2/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: April 2016
4/26/2016 |
The Airport's Employee Separation Process Needs Improvement to Minimize the Risk of Unauthorized Access to Premises or Data and to Ensure That Airport Property Is Collected
4/13/2016 |
Airport Commission: Sankaku, Inc., Correctly Reported Its Revenue and Paid Its Rent for 2013 and 2014
4/4/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: March 2016
3/29/2016 |
Department of Aging and Adult Services: Insufficient Inventory Tracking and Supervisory Practices and Failure to Segregate Duties Increase the Risk That Inventory Will Be Lost or Misappropriated
3/24/2016 |
Airport Commission: TripTel, Inc., Correctly Reported Its Revenues and Paid Rent for May 2013 Through April 2015
3/24/2016 |
Airport Commission: Goodfellows Shoeshine-California, Inc., Underpaid Rent by $3,486 and Needs to Submit Certified Revenue Reports and Complete Revenue Statements for 2013 Through 2014
3/23/2016 |
Five Year Financial Plan Update for FY 2016-17 through FY 2019-20
3/23/2016 |
Paid Family Leave for Bonding with a New Child: Economic Impact Report
3/18/2016 |
Risk-Benefit Assessment of a Citywide Project Labor Agreement
3/17/2016 |
Airport Commission: RDG Concessions, LLC, Correctly Reported Its Revenue and Paid Its Rent for January 2013 Through December 2014
3/14/2016 |
FY2015 Single Audit Report
3/10/2016 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Follow-up of 2011 Audit of SFMTA Sustainable Streets Division Operations
3/8/2016 |
SFPUC: The Department Inadequately Monitored Change Orders for the Sunol Valley Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project
3/2/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: February 2016
2/24/2016 |
City Services Auditor Summary of Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2015-16, First and Second Quarters
2/23/2016 |
Increasing Inclusionary Housing Requirements: Economic Impact Report
2/12/2016 |
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection 2015 Customer Survey
2/10/2016 |
FY 2015-16 6-Month Report
2/3/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: January 2016
2/3/2016 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2015-16 Quarter 2 Report
2/1/2016 |
Conditional Use Requirement for Removal of an Illegal Housing Unit: Economic Impact Report
1/27/2016 |
SF Emergency Medical Response: System Performance Dashboards
1/26/2016 |
General Obligation Bond for Public Health and Safety: Economic Impact Report
1/25/2016 |
Airport Commission: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Correctly Reported Its Revenue and Paid Its Rent for December 2010 Through November 2012
1/21/2016 |
Assessor-Recorder As-Is Process Analysis and Mapping
1/19/2016 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: The Treasurer Complied With the Investment Requirements in State Law and the City's Investment Policy for the Year Ended June 30, 2015
1/12/2016 |
Juvenile Probation Department Juvenile Hall Counselor Staffing Analysis
1/11/2016 |
FY 2014-15 Annual Overtime Report
1/4/2016 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: December 2015
12/31/2015 |
San Francisco Business Tax Reform Annual Report 2015
12/23/2015 |
Citywide Cash Transactions: Combined Report of Six Audits in Fiscal Year 2014-15—Departments Need to Improve Cash Handling
12/23/2015 |
Long Term Care Middle Income Study - Population Analysis
12/14/2015 |
Budget Instructions for Fiscal Years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
12/14/2015 |
Budget Instruction Forms for Fiscal Years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
12/14/2015 |
SFGH Capital Equipment Planning and Budgeting: Creating Long-Term Sustainability for Capital Equipment Replacement
12/10/2015 |
More than a Shelter: An Assessment of the Navigation Center’s First Six Months
12/10/2015 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2015-16 Quarter 1 Report
12/9/2015 |
Estimating Post-Disaster Staffing Needs for the Human Services Agency
12/7/2015 |
Joint Report FY 2016-17 through FY 2019-20
12/4/2015 |
2015 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/2/2015 |
Perspectives from the Navigation Center, Report #4: The Future of the Navigation Center – Location, Scale, and Scope
12/1/2015 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: November 2015
11/30/2015 |
Jail Classification and Housing Options Assessment
11/24/2015 |
Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report (FY 2014-15)
11/23/2015 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Standards Annual Report FY15
11/19/2015 |
San Francisco Performance Annual Report (FY 2014-15)
11/19/2015 |
Pit Stop Pilot Program Expansion: Geospatial Analysis of Accessibility to Public Toilets
11/17/2015 |
Perspectives from the Navigation Center, Report #3: Navigating a Cross-Sector, Multi-Agency Collaboration
11/12/2015 |
Automated Speed Enforcement Implementation: Survey Findings and Lessons Learned From Around the Country
11/12/2015 |
Port Commission: Golden Gate Scenic Steamship Corporation Had Inadequate Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts for Red and White Fleet, Inc., to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
11/10/2015 |
Perspectives from the Navigation Center, Report #2: Encampment Homelessness in San Francisco
11/9/2015 |
Airport Commission: United Air Lines, Inc., Correctly Paid Its Landing Fees for July 2011 Through June 2013
11/5/2015 |
5M Project Development Agreement: Economic Impact Report
11/5/2015 |
Office of the City Administrator: The City Should Adopt Five Leading Practices to Improve the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Its Procurement Function
11/5/2015 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 1, Fiscal Year 2016
11/4/2015 |
Perspectives from the Navigation Center, Report #1: Understanding the Navigation Center’s Operations
11/4/2015 |
City Services Auditor Recommendations Not Implemented After More Than Two Years on June 30, 2015
11/4/2015 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Annual Summary - Fiscal Year 2014-15
11/2/2015 |
Office of Economic Analysis Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: October 2015
11/2/2015 |
Citywide Public Outreach Technologies Assessment
10/27/2015 |
Bay Area Young Positives Did Not Maintain Adequate Support for Reimbursement Requests Submitted to the Department of Public Health
10/21/2015 |
Whistleblower Program: Annual Report and Quarter 4 Results, Fiscal Year 2014-15
10/2/2015 |
Office of Economic Analysis Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: September 2015
10/1/2015 |
Department of Public Works Adequately Oversaw Close-out Phases of 2010 ESER Bond Fire Station Roofing Projects
9/29/2015 |
San Francisco Department of Building Inspection Fee Study
9/23/2015 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2015
9/23/2015 |
Recreation and Park Department Deferred Maintenance Review
9/22/2015 |
Community and Economic Benefits Study of San Francisco’s Branch Library Improvement Program
9/22/2015 |
Community and Economic Benefits Study of San Francisco’s Branch Library Improvement Program - Technical Appendix
9/16/2015 |
Public Library: The Custodial Services Unit Needs to Better Manage Materials and Supplies
9/15/2015 |
Port Commission: Priority Parking – CA Underpaid Rent by $7,027 to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
9/10/2015 |
Potential Effects of Limiting Market-Rate Housing in the Mission
9/3/2015 |
Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program: FY14-15 Annual Report
9/3/2015 |
City and County of San Francisco: All Ten Selected Organizations Complied With the San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 12G, by Not Using City Funds for Political Activity for Fiscal Year 13-14
9/2/2015 |
FY15 Nonprofit Monitoring Results Dataset
8/31/2015 |
2015 Payroll Expense Tax Rate Computation Letter
8/28/2015 |
SFPUC Health and Safety Assessment
8/27/2015 |
Airport Commission: Lady Luck Gourmet, LLC, Correctly Reported Its Revenues and Paid Its Rent for 2013 and 2014
8/27/2015 |
Airport Commission: Purity Cosmetics Correctly Reported Its Revenues and Paid Its Rent for 2013 and 2014
8/27/2015 |
Airport Commission: XpresSpa S.F. International, LLC, Correctly Paid Its Rent for 2013 and 2014 but Needs to Certify Its Monthly Revenue Reports
8/24/2015 |
Strengthening Connections between Foster Care and Behavioral Health
8/20/2015 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 4, Fiscal Year 2015
8/19/2015 |
FY 2015-16 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/17/2015 |
Citywide Cash Disbursements Assessment: Ten of Nineteen Departments Tested Did Not Comply With City Payment Processing Guidelines and Must Create or Improve Cash Disbursements Policies and Procedures
8/6/2015 |
2015 San Francisco City Survey
8/6/2015 |
2015 San Francisco City Survey Appendices C,D and E
8/5/2015 |
Office of Economic Analysis Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: July 2015
8/5/2015 |
Laguna Honda Hospital Discharge Planning Improvement Project Final Report
8/4/2015 |
FY 15/16 and 16/17 Adopted Salary Ordinance
8/4/2015 |
Adopted Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017
7/28/2015 |
City Services Benchmarking: Airport Services Benchmarking
7/28/2015 |
Recreation and Park Commission: Tournament Players Club of California, Inc., Correctly Remitted Harding Park Golf Course Revenues for July 2012 Through June 2014
7/23/2015 |
Establishing and Maintaining a Stat Program: A "How To" Guide for City & County of San Francisco Departments
7/23/2015 |
Stat Readiness Assessment: A questionnaire for interested City & County of San Francisco Departments
7/21/2015 |
Airport Commission: Follow-up of 2012 Audit of the Airport’s Terminal 2 Build-out Close-out Procedures
7/20/2015 |
Reduction of Building Code Fees: Economic Impact Report
7/17/2015 |
San Francisco Police Department District Station Boundary Implementation
7/13/2015 |
FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as of July 9, 2015 as proposed by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
7/13/2015 |
FY 2015-2016 & FY 2016-2017 Salary Ordinance as of July 9, 2015 as proposed by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
7/8/2015 |
General Obligation Bond for Affordable Housing: Economic Impact Report
7/6/2015 |
OEA Pending Reports and Responses to Legislation Introduced: June 2015
7/2/2015 |
Office of the Controller: City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan Fiscal Year 2015-16
6/29/2015 |
SF Department of Public Health: Facilities Maintenance Contracting Review
6/25/2015 |
Quality Assurance for DAAS Programs: Performance Measures for Meals, Case Management, and Adult Day Health Care
6/23/2015 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2014-15, Third Quarter
6/19/2015 |
Avatar Revenue Cycle Improvement Project Final Report
6/17/2015 |
Annual General Obligation Bond Program Report, Fiscal Year 2014-15
6/16/2015 |
Update to the Jail Population Forecast
6/11/2015 |
Department of Public Works: Follow-up of 2013 Audit of the Job Order Contract Program
6/10/2015 |
City Services Benchmarking: Police Staffing
6/8/2015 |
FY 2015-16 & FY 2016-17 Revenue Letter
6/8/2015 |
TRANSTAT - A Case Study on San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s Performance Management Program
6/5/2015 |
May 2015
6/1/2015 |
FY 2015-2016 and FY 2016-2017 June 1 2015 Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
6/1/2015 |
ASO FY2015-16 & FY2016-17 June 1, 2015 Proposed Salary Ordinance
6/1/2015 |
Whistleblower 2014-15 Quarter 3 Report
5/27/2015 |
Improving San Francisco’s Restaurant Permitting Processes
5/20/2015 |
Employee Health Protection & Promotion: An Analysis of City Workers’ Compensation Data and Opportunities for Integration with Employee Well-being
5/20/2015 |
Whistleblower 2014-15 Quarter 2 Report
5/18/2015 |
Amending the Regulation of Short-Term Residential Rentals: Economic Impact Report
5/14/2015 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 3, Fiscal Year 2015
5/11/2015 |
Adopted Budgets: Fiscal Year 2008-2009 (PDF)-10.2MB
5/8/2015 |
FY 2014-15 Nine Month Budget Status Report
5/6/2015 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2014
5/6/2015 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2014
5/5/2015 |
San Francisco County Jail Programs Survey
5/4/2015 |
April 2015
4/29/2015 |
Assessment of San Francisco County Jail Programs
4/28/2015 |
Recreation and Park Department: Internal Controls Must Be Improved to Better Manage Inventory
4/27/2015 |
Guide to Good Measures Final For Website
4/22/2015 |
Master Fee Schedule for FY 2015-16 and FY 2016-17
4/16/2015 |
Office of the City Attorney: Controls Over Claims and Judgments Settlement Payments Need Improvement
4/15/2015 |
How Long Does It Take to Hire in the City and County of San Francisco? Analysis and Recommendations
4/9/2015 |
Recreation and Park Commission: ABC Parking Correctly Remitted Kezar Parking Lot Revenues for February 2012 Through January 2014
4/6/2015 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Results of the Follow-up of the 2012 Audit of the Job Order Contract Program
4/6/2015 |
March 2015
4/2/2015 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2014-15, Second Quarter
3/24/2015 |
City Services Benchmarking: Museum Services
3/21/2015 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2005-06 through FY 2007-08
3/17/2015 |
February 2015
3/17/2015 |
January 2015
3/12/2015 |
Five Year Financial Plan Update
3/12/2015 |
Airport Commission: Andre-Boudin Bakeries, Inc., Correctly Paid Its Rent for 2012 and 2013
3/12/2015 |
Five Year Financial Plan FY16 - FY20 Update
3/12/2015 |
Update to the Five Year Financial Plan FY 2015-16 through FY 2019-20
3/12/2015 |
Five Year Financial Plan Update for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2015-16 through FY 2019-20
3/10/2015 |
Assisting Homeowners with Troubled Mortgages (Revised March 10, 2015)
3/5/2015 |
Report on Retiree (Postemployment) Medical Benefit Costs - 2015
3/3/2015 |
San Francisco Police Department District Station Boundary Analysis
2/26/2015 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Department Needs to Improve Its Management and Monitoring of Telephone Assets and Costs
2/19/2015 |
Department of Public Health: Improved Controls Are Needed to Prevent Missing Billing Information and More Analysis and Monitoring Could Reduce Avoidable Revenue Adjustments
2/18/2015 |
FY 2013-14 Annual Overtime Report
2/18/2015 |
SFPUC Ratepayer Assurance Scorecard FY2013-14
2/18/2015 |
SFPUC Ratepayer Assurance Scorecard Manual FY2013-14
2/17/2015 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Audit of Department Class One Power Sales to Modesto and Turlock Irrigation Districts in California
2/12/2015 |
DPWStat: A Case Study Of San Francisco Public Works’ Performance Management Program
2/11/2015 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 2, Fiscal Year 2015
2/10/2015 |
FY 2014-15 Six Month Budget Status Report
2/9/2015 |
Citywide Payroll Audit: Eleven Departments Incorrectly Paid Employees, Improperly Approved Time, or Did Not Comply With Citywide Policies and Procedures
2/9/2015 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Results of the Follow-up of the 2012 Assessment of the Community Assistance Program
2/5/2015 |
Port Commission: Scoma’s Restaurant, Inc., Had Inadequate Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
2/5/2015 |
Port Commission: BAE Systems San Francisco Ship Repair, Inc., Underpaid Rent by $3,479 to the Port for 2011 Through 2013
2/5/2015 |
Assisting Homeowners with Troubled Mortgages
2/4/2015 |
City Services Benchmarking: Population Health
1/22/2015 |
San Francisco Public Library: Security Assessment
1/22/2015 |
San Francisco Public Library: Custodial Services Assessment
1/20/2015 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: The Treasurer Complied With the Investment Requirements in State Law and the City's Investment Policy for the Year Ending June 30, 2014
1/14/2015 |
Airport Commission: Avila Retail Development & Management, LLC, Correctly Paid Its Rent for 2012 and 2013
1/14/2015 |
Airport Commission: Yoko, Inc., dba OSHO Japanese Cuisine, Correctly Paid Its Rent for 2012 and 2013
1/14/2015 |
Airport Commission: Frontier Airlines, Inc., Correctly Paid Its Landing Fees for July 2011 Through June 2013
1/14/2015 |
Airport Commission: Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd., Correctly Paid Its Landing Fees for July 2011 Through June 2013
1/13/2015 |
Airport Commission: Better Oversight Is Required to Improve the Change Management Process for the New Air Traffic Control Tower
1/9/2015 |
In-Home Supportive Services Social Worker Staffing Analysis
1/6/2015 |
Citywide Combined Report - Contract Compliance Audits Fiscal Years 2011-12 and 2012-13: Contractors Generally Complied With Terms, But Departments Can Strengthen Contract Administration and Oversight
1/2/2015 |
December 2014
12/31/2014 |
FY2012-13 & FY2013-14 Biennial
Development Impact Fee Report
12/16/2014 |
Whistleblower Fiscal Year 2014-15 Quarter 1 Report
12/16/2014 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 1, Fiscal Year 2015
12/11/2014 |
Recreation and Park Department: The Department Adequately Oversaw the Close-out of the Mission Clubhouse and Playground Renovation Project but Did Not Always Follow the Contract’s Close-out Procedures
12/10/2014 |
2014 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/9/2014 |
Five Year Financial Plan 2015-16 through 2019-20
12/9/2014 |
Proposed Five Year Financial Plan FY 2015-16 through FY 2019-20
12/2/2014 |
November 2014
11/28/2014 |
City and County of San Francisco: Single Audit for Fiscal Year 2013-14
11/26/2014 |
San Francisco Police Department: The Department Needs to Make Major Improvements to Its Payroll Process
11/25/2014 |
Citywide Performance Measurement FY 2013-14 Annual Report
11/20/2014 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Standards Annual Report FY 2013-14
11/18/2014 |
Moving Beyond Stability: Service Utilization and Client Trajectories in San Francisco’s Permanent Supportive Housing
11/18/2014 |
Moving Beyond Stability: Service Utilization and Client Trajectories in San Francisco’s Permanent Supportive Housing (APPENDICES)
11/17/2014 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Central Subway Project’s Cost Reporting Practices Have Improved
11/13/2014 |
SFMTA: Parking Meter Collections and Citation Fines Equal 96 Percent of Expected Parking Meter Revenue, Excluding $31.1 Million in Forgone Revenue Given Various Legal Exemptions
11/12/2014 |
Formula Retail Employer Requirements: Economic Impact Report
11/6/2014 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2014-15, First Quarter
11/4/2014 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2014
11/3/2014 |
Property Tax Rate History Summary (PDF)
11/3/2014 |
Property Tax Rate History Summary (Excel)
10/30/2014 |
September 30, 2014
10/29/2014 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2013-14, Fourth Quarter
10/27/2014 |
Review of the Impact of the Central Market Payroll Tax Exclusion
10/22/2014 |
Port Commission: The Port Adequately Oversaw the Close-out Phase of the Brannan Street Wharf Park Project, but Did Not Always Follow the Contract’s Close-out Procedures
10/21/2014 |
October 21, 2014
10/20/2014 |
Office of Contract Administration: Technology Store Vendors Do Not Always Abide by Contract Percentage Markup Limits, Resulting in Overcharges for Goods Purchased
10/16/2014 |
Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report FY 2013-14
10/15/2014 |
Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program FY13-14 Annual Report
10/8/2014 |
City and County of San Francisco: Nine of Ten Selected Organizations Complied With the San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 12G, by Not Using City Funds for Political Activity
10/7/2014 |
October 7, 2014
10/2/2014 |
Citywide Combined Report - Inventory Audits Fiscal Year 2013-14: Departments Need to Improve Their Internal Inventory Processes and Controls
10/1/2014 |
General Services Agency: None of the Three Audited Contractors Fully Complied With Certain Provisions of Chapter 14B, the Local Business Enterprise Ordinance
9/29/2014 |
September 16, 2014
9/29/2014 |
September 23, 2014
9/24/2014 |
Whistleblower Program Annual Report Fiscal Year 2013-14 and Quarter 4 Results
9/17/2014 |
Port Commission: Castagnola’s Restaurant Had Inadequate Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port for 2010 Through 2012
9/17/2014 |
Port Commission: Blue and Gold Fleet, L.P., Had Inadequate Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port for 2010 Through 2012
9/12/2014 |
September 2, 2014
9/12/2014 |
September 9, 2014
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-61 - Hazard Mitigation Proposal
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-91 - CDAA Application
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-91A - - Project Worksheet (Subgrant Application)
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-91B - Project Worksheet - Cost Estimate Continuation Sheet
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-91C- Project Worksheet - Maps and Sketches Sheet
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-91D - Project worksheet - Photo Sheet
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-118 - Validation Worksheet
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-119 - Project Validation Form
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-120 - Special Considerations Questions
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-121 - Private Non-Profit Facility Questionaire
9/11/2014 |
Form 90-122 - Historic Review Assessment for Determination of Adverse Effect
9/11/2014 |
Form 009-0-123 - Force Account Labor Summary Record
9/11/2014 |
Form 009-0-124 - Materials Summary Record
9/11/2014 |
Form 009-0-125 - Rented Equipment Summary Record
9/11/2014 |
Form 009-0-126 - Contract Work Summary Record
9/11/2014 |
Form 009-0-127 - Force Account Equipment Summary Record
9/11/2014 |
Form 009-0-128 - Applicant's Benefits Calculation Worksheet
9/10/2014 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2013
9/10/2014 |
Std. 204 - Payee Data Record
9/10/2014 |
CDAA 4a - Project Summary Certification of Documentation
9/10/2014 |
Cal EMA 132 - Large Project Reimbursement Request Form
9/10/2014 |
Cal EMA 130SA - Signature Authority Form
9/10/2014 |
Cal EMA 130 - Designation of Applicatn's Agent Resolution
9/10/2014 |
Cal EMA 126 - CDAA Application
9/10/2014 |
Cal EMA 95 - List of Projects
9/10/2014 |
Cal EMA 89 - Grant Assurances
9/4/2014 |
Evaluation of Wraparound Services for Foster Care Youth
8/25/2014 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 4, Fiscal Year 2014
8/22/2014 |
FY 2014-15 Property Tax Rate Ordinance
8/20/2014 |
SFMTA: City of San Francisco Uptown Parking Corporation Correctly Reported Union Square Garage Revenues and Expenditures for May 2011 Through April 2013 But Can Improve Controls Over Lease Management
8/20/2014 |
SFMTA: City of San Francisco Uptown Parking Corporation Correctly Reported Sutter Stockton Garage Revenues and Expenditures for May 2011 To April 2013 But Can Improve Controls Over Lease Management
8/19/2014 |
Board of Supervisors: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Properly Paid Its Franchise Fees and Surcharges for 2011 and 2012
8/14/2014 |
FY 2014-15 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/13/2014 |
July 29, 2014
8/7/2014 |
Airport Commission: Edge 1 Cellular, L.P., Correctly Reported Its Gross Revenues and Paid Its Rent for 2011 and 2012
8/5/2014 |
Port Commission: The Port Should Strengthen Internal Controls Over Its Inventory
7/30/2014 |
Board of Supervisors: NRG Energy Center San Francisco LLC Properly Paid Its Franchise Fees for 2011 and 2012
7/30/2014 |
June 24, 2014
7/30/2014 |
July 8, 2014
7/30/2014 |
July 15, 2014
7/30/2014 |
July 22, 2014
7/29/2014 |
FY 14/15 and 15/16 Adopted Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
7/29/2014 |
FY 14/15 and 15/16 Adopted Salary Ordinance
7/29/2014 |
Controller's Office City Services Benchmarking: Water and Wastewater Rates
7/21/2014 |
Airport Commission: Avis Budget Car Rental, LLC, Needs to Improve Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Revenues to the Airport for 2010 and 2011
7/21/2014 |
Airport Commission: Hudson News Company Correctly Paid Its Rent but Made Multiple Late Rent Payments for April 2010 Through April 2012
7/21/2014 |
Airport Commission: Lori’s Diner International, Inc., Correctly Reported Its Gross Revenues and Paid Its Rent for 2011 and 2012
7/21/2014 |
Airport Commission: The Hertz Corporation Correctly Paid Its Rent but Made Multiple Late Rent Payments for 2011 and 2012
7/21/2014 |
Mobile Technology Use in the City and County of San Francisco: A Survey
7/18/2014 |
FY 2014-2015 & FY 2015-2016 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as of July 11, 2014 as proposed by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
7/18/2014 |
FY 2014-2015 & FY 2015-2016 Salary Ordinance as of July 11, 2014 as proposed by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
7/17/2014 |
Increasing the Minimum Wage: Economic Impact Report
7/17/2014 |
City Services Auditor Recommendations Not Implemented After More Than Two Years on June 30, 2014
7/14/2014 |
Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages to Fund Food and Health Programs: Economic Impact Report
7/10/2014 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Follow-up of 2011 Audit of Water Enterprise Warehouse Inventory Management
7/9/2014 |
Citywide Combined Report - Cash Transactions Assessments Fiscal Year 2013-14: Departments Need to Improve Their Cash Handling
7/1/2014 |
Human Services Agency: Some Aid Assistance Controls at the Department Need Improvement
6/30/2014 |
Controller's Office City Services Benchmarking: Financial Condition
6/27/2014 |
Office of the Controller: City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan Fiscal Year 2014-15
6/26/2014 |
Schlage Lock Development Agreement: Economic Impact Report
6/26/2014 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2013-14, Third Quarter
6/25/2014 |
Port Commission: The Bay Institute Aquarium Foundation Underpaid Rent by $39,309 and Needs to Improve Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port for 2010 Through 2012
6/20/2014 |
June 3, 2014
6/20/2014 |
June 10, 2014
6/20/2014 |
June 17, 2014
6/19/2014 |
Fiscal Years 2012-13 and 2013-14 Combined Construction Audits, Assessments, and Reviews: Opportunities Exist to Strengthen Departments’ Management, Oversight, and Controls Over Construction Projects
6/10/2014 |
May 6, 2014
6/10/2014 |
May 13, 2014
6/10/2014 |
May 20, 2014
6/10/2014 |
FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 Revenue Letter
6/4/2014 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2013
6/3/2014 |
Department of Public Health: San Francisco General Hospital’s Materials Management Department Must Improve Controls to Better Manage Assets
6/2/2014 |
FY 2014-2015 and FY 2015-2016 June 2, 2014 Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
6/2/2014 |
ASO FY2014-15 & FY2015-16 June 2, 2014 Proposed Salary Ordinance
6/2/2014 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund: Annual Report FY 2014-15
5/28/2014 |
Jail Population Study Update
5/28/2014 |
Road Repaving and Street Safety Bond Program Management Review
5/21/2014 |
Department of Public Works: Controls Over Billings and Payments for the General Hospital Rebuild Project Are Effective, but Some Contract Requirements Need Clarification
5/21/2014 |
Whistleblower Program 2013-14 Quarter 3 Report
5/20/2014 |
Citywide Construction: Adopting Leading Practices Could Improve the City’s Construction Contractor Bid Pool
5/15/2014 |
GOVERNMENT BAROMETER: Quarter 3, Fiscal Year 2014
5/13/2014 |
FY 2013-14 Nine-Month Budget Status Report
5/8/2014 |
April 15, 2014
5/8/2014 |
April 22, 2014
5/8/2014 |
April 29, 2014
5/7/2014 |
Department of Public Health: The Department Adequately Monitors Payments Remitted Under Its Contract With Netsmart but Should Improve Controls Over Invoice Review and Approval
5/6/2014 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund Ten Year Performance Review
5/5/2014 |
ASO FY 2014-2015 and FY 2015-2016 May 1, 2014 Proposed Salary Ordinance for Selected Departments
5/5/2014 |
FY 2014-2015 and FY 2015-2016 May 1, 2014 Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance for Selected Departments
4/24/2014 |
SFMTA: The Taxis and Accessible Services Division Needs to Better Manage Its Paratransit Contract and Improve Controls Over Its Taxi Complaint and Taxi Driver Permit Processes
4/17/2014 |
Master Fee Schedule FY2014-15 & FY2015-16
4/16/2014 |
Department of Public Works: Controls Over the Public Safety Building Project Should Be Strengthened to Improve Project Scheduling and the Change Management Process
4/15/2014 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2013-14, Second Quarter
4/14/2014 |
March 18, 2014
4/14/2014 |
March 25, 2014
4/14/2014 |
April 1, 2014
4/14/2014 |
April 8, 2014
4/8/2014 |
How much did the City spend with a given vendor over the last five years? New payment search options added to SFOpenBook transparency website
3/27/2014 |
Department of Public Health: Internal Controls at Laguna Honda Hospital’s Central Supply Department Do Not Ensure That Assets Are Properly Accounted for and Safeguarded
3/21/2014 |
February 11, 2014
3/21/2014 |
February 25, 2014
3/21/2014 |
March 04, 2014
3/21/2014 |
March 11, 2014
3/17/2014 |
FY 12-13 State of Nonprofit Organizations in the Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring and Capacity Building Program
3/13/2014 |
City Services Benchmarking: Public Transportation
3/10/2014 |
Port Commission: San Francisco Waterfront Partners, LLC, Had Inadequate Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port for 2010 Through 2012
3/6/2014 |
Five Year Financial Plan Update for General Fund Supported Operations
FY 2014-15 through FY 2017-18
3/6/2014 |
Test Controller report
3/5/2014 |
Department of Public Health: A Summary of Health Reform Readiness
2/27/2014 |
Airport Commission: The Airport's Equipment Procurement Process Is Adequate but Should Be Strengthened
2/25/2014 |
Port Commission: Arthur Hoppe Did Not Have Adequate Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port for 2010 Through 2012
2/25/2014 |
Port Commission: Portco, Inc., Underreported it Gross Receipts, Owes $39,534 in Rent for 2010 Through 2012 and Needs to Improve Internal Controls
2/18/2014 |
Human Services Agency: The Department’s Contract With Its Security Contractor Is Silent on Paying Security Officers for Hours Not Worked on City Holidays
2/18/2014 |
January 28, 2014
2/18/2014 |
February 04, 2014
2/13/2014 |
Airport Commission: The Department Did Not Use the Appropriate Contract Type and Did Not Perform All Close-out Procedures
2/12/2014 |
Expanding Formula Retail Controls: Economic Impact Report
2/12/2014 |
Airport Commission: Asiana Airlines Paid All Landing Fees Due but Incurred $12,846 in Late Charges for 2010 Through 2012
2/12/2014 |
Airport Commission: China Airlines Paid All Landing Fees Due for 2010 Through 2012
2/11/2014 |
FY 2013-14 Six-Month Budget Status Report
2/11/2014 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2013-14, First Quarter
2/11/2014 |
Whistleblower 2013-14 Quarter 2 Report
2/10/2014 |
Government Barometer Q2 2014
2/5/2014 |
Port Commission: Hornblower Yachts, Inc., Overpaid Rent by $25,599 for 2009 Through 2011 and Needs to Improve Internal Controls Over the Reporting of Gross Receipts to the Port
2/4/2014 |
FY 2012-13 Annual Overtime Report
1/30/2014 |
January 7, 2014
1/30/2014 |
January 14, 2014
1/24/2014 |
Tax Rate History Summary (PDF)
1/24/2014 |
Tax Rate History Summary (Excel)
1/22/2014 |
Public Library: The Department Needs Improved Internal Controls to Better Administer and Monitor Its Contract With Baker & Taylor Corporation
1/17/2014 |
DEM: 9-1-1 Call Center Staffing and Scheduling Analysis
1/14/2014 |
Journal Entry Form
1/14/2014 |
Port Commission: Sabella & LaTorre Sea Foods Overpaid Rent by $1,134 for 2010 Through 2012 and Needs to Improve Internal Controls
1/9/2014 |
Recreation and Park Commission: The Beach Chalet, L.P., Owes the City $53,208 for Paying Its Rent Late in 2009 Through 2011
1/8/2014 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Ratepayer Assurance Scorecard Manual
1/8/2014 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Ratepayer Assurance Scorecard
1/8/2014 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Department Complied With All Applicable Close-out Procedures in Its Contract for the Bay Division Pipelines Nos. 3 & 4 Crossover Facilities Project
1/6/2014 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Results of the Follow-up of the 2010 Audit of the Department's Leases With Hanson Aggregates Mid-Pacific, Inc.
12/31/2013 |
Results of the San Francisco Film Rebate Program
12/31/2013 |
Office of the Assessor-Recorder: Audit of the Department’s Social Security Number Truncation Program
12/27/2013 |
FY2013 Single Audit Report
12/26/2013 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Agreed-Upon Procedures for the Year Ended June 30, 2013
12/19/2013 |
November 26, 2013
12/19/2013 |
December 10, 2013
12/18/2013 |
Controller's Office City Services Benchmarking: Recreation and Parks
12/11/2013 |
City Services Performance Measure Report - Fiscal Year 2012-13
12/10/2013 |
Utility of Secondary Group Purchase Organizations - A Preliminary Assessment
12/2/2013 |
November 5, 2013
12/2/2013 |
November 19, 2013
11/27/2013 |
2013 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
11/19/2013 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 1, Fiscal Year 2014
11/7/2013 |
2010 Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond Program Management Review
11/7/2013 |
Department of Aging and Adult Services: Results of Follow-up of 2005 Audit of the Department
11/7/2013 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2012-13
10/31/2013 |
Port Commission: The Department Complied With All Applicable Close-out Procedures in Its Contract for the Pier 35 North Apron Improvements Project
10/29/2013 |
October 29, 2013
10/24/2013 |
Whistleblower Program Annual Report Fiscal Year 2012-13
10/23/2013 |
San Francisco Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report for fiscal year (FY) 2012-13
10/22/2013 |
District 7 Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project
10/22/2013 |
October 22, 2013
10/17/2013 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Department Generally Complied With Close-out Procedure Requirements in Its Contract for the Cable Car Propulsion System DC Motor Drives Upgrade
10/17/2013 |
Revenue Manual - Hotel Room Tax
10/10/2013 |
Citywide Combined Report - Cash Transactions Assessments Fiscal Year 2012-13: Seven Departments Have Adequate Cash-handing Processes, but Two Need Major Improvements
10/9/2013 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Department Has Fully or Partially Implemented 13 of 19 Recommendations of the 2010 Audit of Crystal Springs Golf Partners, L.P.
10/8/2013 |
October 8, 2013
10/3/2013 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2013
10/1/2013 |
October 1, 2013
9/24/2013 |
September 24, 2013
9/23/2013 |
Citywide Combined Report - Payroll Audits Fiscal Year 2012-13: Payroll Operations of Three Departments Are Generally Adequate, but Controller Lacks Payroll Control Guidelines
9/17/2013 |
September 17, 2013
9/10/2013 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Agency Must Improve Staffing Planning and Training to Meet Its Need for Transit Operators
9/10/2013 |
September 10, 2013
9/3/2013 |
September 3, 2013
8/19/2013 |
2008 Clean and Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Management Review
8/16/2013 |
San Francisco County Jail Needs Assessment
8/15/2013 |
FY 2013-14 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/15/2013 |
Whistleblower 2012-13 Quarter 4 Report
8/5/2013 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – Quarter 4, Fiscal Year 2013
7/30/2013 |
Department of Public Works: The Department Generally Complied With Close-out Procedures for the Laguna Honda Hospital Replacement Program Contract but Must Better Document Its Compliance
7/30/2013 |
July 30, 2013
7/29/2013 |
Recreation and Park Department: The Department’s Payroll Operations Are Generally Adequate but Should Be Improved
7/24/2013 |
Salary Ordinance for Fiscal Years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
7/23/2013 |
July 23, 2013
7/23/2013 |
Adopted Budgets:Fiscal Years 2013-14 and 2014-15 (PDF)Fiscal Years 2013-14 and 2014-15 (PDF)
7/16/2013 |
Department of Public Works: The Job Order Contract Program Is Generally Effective But Requires Improvements to Ensure Accountability and Consistency
7/16/2013 |
July 16, 2013
7/15/2013 |
Juvenile Probation Department: Log Cabin Ranch Cost Benefit Analysis
7/15/2013 |
Airport Commission: The Department Should Better Administer and Monitor Its Contract With White Ivie Pet Hospital to Mitigate Risks
7/11/2013 |
FY 2013-2014 & FY 2014-2015 Proposed Salary Ordinance as of July 11, 2013 as proposed by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
7/11/2013 |
Proposed Budgets: FY 2013-2014 & FY 2014-2015 Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance as of July 11, 2013 as proposed by the Board of Supervisors Budget and Finance Committee
7/10/2013 |
Family-Friendly Workplace Ordinance:
Economic Impact Report
7/9/2013 |
July 9, 2013
7/3/2013 |
June 18, 2013
7/3/2013 |
June 25, 2013
7/1/2013 |
City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2013-2014
6/27/2013 |
City Services Benchmarking Report: Public Libraries
6/26/2013 |
Office of The Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2012
6/26/2013 |
Quarterly Review of the Schedule of
Cash, Investments, and Accrued
Interest Receivable as of
December 31, 2012
6/25/2013 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Overhead Rates of Two Central Subway Project Management Consultants Must Be Reduced
6/20/2013 |
June 4, 2013
6/20/2013 |
June 11, 2013
6/19/2013 |
Department of Public Health: The Department Adequately Monitors MedImpact’s Prescription Claims but Needs Better Controls Over Its Use of MedImpact as a Fiscal Intermediary
6/17/2013 |
6/14/2013 |
Wellness Plan Assessment and Development: Initial Health Risk and Cost Overview
6/14/2013 |
Initial Wellness Assessment
6/14/2013 |
Development Agreement for the CPMC Long-Range Plan: Economic Impact Report
6/13/2013 |
SF City Survey Cross Tab Analysis
6/11/2013 |
Letter for the FY 2013-14 & FY 2014-15 Proposed Budget
6/11/2013 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund: Annual Report for FY 2013-14
6/4/2013 |
May 21, 2013
5/31/2013 |
FY 2013-2014 & FY 2014-2015 May 31, 2013 Proposed Salary Ordinance
5/31/2013 |
FY 2013-2014 & FY 2014-2015 May 31, 2013 Proposed Budget and Appropriation Ordinance
5/30/2013 |
Airport Commission: The Department Should Require Increased Accountability of Airport and Aviation Professionals, Inc.
5/23/2013 |
Department of Public Works: Improvements Are Needed to Better Monitor Subcontractors’ Insurance and Licenses and Strengthen Contract Terms for the San Francisco General Hospital Rebuild Project
5/22/2013 |
Port Commission: Pier 39 Underpaid Its Rent by $44 Because It Did Not Report Subtenant Rent Underpayments for December 29, 2008, Through December 25, 2011
5/22/2013 |
May 14, 2013
5/20/2013 |
2013 San Francisco City Survey
5/20/2013 |
1996-2015 San Francisco City Survey Dataset
5/16/2013 |
Government Barometer – Quarter 3, Fiscal Year 2013
5/14/2013 |
Airport Commission: Air Sun Did Not Submit a Year-End Financial Report Certified by an Independent CPA and Owes $226 in Late Charges to the Airport for March 8, 2010, Through March 31, 2012
5/13/2013 |
May 7, 2013
5/13/2013 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Department Did Not Issue a Certificate of Completion for the Harry Tracy Water Treatment Plant Short-Term Improvement Project
5/9/2013 |
FY 2012-13 9 Month Report
5/9/2013 |
Whistleblower 2012-13 Quarter 3 Report
5/1/2013 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Overhead Rates of Five Central Subway Project Design Consultants Must Be Reduced
4/29/2013 |
April 23, 2013
4/25/2013 |
Fiscal Analysis of Community-based Long Term Care
4/23/2013 |
Port Commission: Bundox Underreported Its Gross Revenues and Owes $8,532 in Rent and $2,723 in Late Charges to the Port for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011
4/22/2013 |
April 9, 2013
4/22/2013 |
April 16, 2013
4/19/2013 |
Department of Building Inspection Reserves Analysis
4/9/2013 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Alameda Siphon No. 4 Construction Management – The Change Management Process Generally Complied With Contract Provisions but Requires Some Improvements
4/9/2013 |
March 26, 2013
4/9/2013 |
April 2, 2013
4/2/2013 |
Condominium Conversion Impact Fee: Economic Impact Report
4/2/2013 |
Recreation and Park Department: Chinese Recreation Center and Mission Clubhouse and Playground Construction Management — The Change Management Process Requires Some Improvements
4/2/2013 |
Master Fee Schedule of Budget Submissions for FY 2013-14 and FY 2014-15 Budget Deliberations
3/28/2013 |
FY2012 Single Audit Report
3/26/2013 |
Port Commission: Fishermen’s Grotto Underreported Its Gross Revenues and Owes $130 in Rent for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011
3/26/2013 |
Port Commission: Java House, LLC, Paid All Rent Due for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011, but Needs to Improve Internal Controls
3/26/2013 |
Port Commission: JMA Waterfront Properties, LLC, Paid All Rent Due for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011, but Needs to Improve Internal Controls
3/26/2013 |
Port Commission: Tarantino’s Inc. Paid All Rent Due for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011
3/26/2013 |
March 19, 2013
3/15/2013 |
Mandatory Seismic Retrofit for Wood-Frame Buildings
3/14/2013 |
Department of Public Health: The Department’s Siloed and Decentralized Purchasing Structure Results in Inefficiencies
3/13/2013 |
Office of the Medical Examiner: The Department's Payroll Operations Are Generally Adequate, but Should Be Improved
3/8/2013 |
February 26, 2013
3/8/2013 |
March 5, 2013
3/1/2013 |
Proposed Five Year Financial Plan FY 2013-14 through FY 2017-18
2/21/2013 |
City Services Benchmarking Report: Jail Population
2/20/2013 |
February 12, 2013
2/14/2013 |
Government Barometer December 2012
2/12/2013 |
FY 2012-13 Six-Month Budget Status Report
2/8/2013 |
February 5, 2013
2/8/2013 |
Public Safety Realignment: Tracking the Impact in the First Year
2/7/2013 |
Whistleblower 2012-13 Quarter 2 Report
2/5/2013 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Overhead Rates of Ten Central Subway Project Consultants Must Be Reduced
1/31/2013 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: SFMTA Lacks Effective Controls Over Its Payroll Process and Timekeeping System for Transit Operators
1/30/2013 |
Moscone Expansion Project: Economic Impact Report
1/30/2013 |
General Services Agency: Annual Chapter 14B Audit – One of Three Contractors Fell Short of Its Local Business Enterprise Goal
1/25/2013 |
SFPD Uniform Crime Reporting Requirements Analysis
1/24/2013 |
San Francisco Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report FY 2011-12
1/24/2013 |
January 15, 2013
1/17/2013 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statement Audit of the City Investment Fund July 1, 2011, Through June 30, 2012
1/16/2013 |
Whistleblower 2013-14 Quarter 1 Report
1/11/2013 |
January 8, 2013
1/8/2013 |
2012 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
1/7/2013 |
Airport Commission: D-Lew Enterprises, LLC dba Perry's Correctly Paid Its Rent, but Owes $1,043 in Late Charges for January 1, 2010, Through December 31, 2011
1/3/2013 |
FY 2011-12 Annual Overtime Report
12/26/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Job Order Contract Program Lacks Sufficient Oversight to Ensure Program Effectiveness
12/18/2012 |
Airport Commission: The Department's Payroll Operations, Including Its Administration of Premium Pay, Are Adequate, but Should Be Improved
12/17/2012 |
Expand Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Services (EPSDT) - Report Summary (Appendix)
12/17/2012 |
Expand Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Services (EPSDT) - Report Summary
12/17/2012 |
Library Collection and Technical Services Efficiency Review
12/14/2012 |
December 11, 2012
12/13/2012 |
November 20, 2012
12/13/2012 |
December 04, 2012
12/12/2012 |
Airport Commission: The Department Did Not Always Follow the Close-out Procedures in Its Cooling Towers Rehabilitation Contract and Must Improve Its Documentation of Compliance
12/5/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Department Implemented Both of the Recommendations From a 2011 Audit of the Tesla Water Treatment Facility and the East/West Transmission Main
11/29/2012 |
FY 2011-12 Development Impact Fee report (PDF)
11/28/2012 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Assessment of the Department's Compliance With Close-out Procedures for the Metro East Contract
11/28/2012 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2012-13, First Quarter
11/27/2012 |
Controller's Office Government Barometer – September 2012
11/21/2012 |
Airport Commission: Nocal Rentals, Inc. dba Payless Car Rental Correctly Paid Its Rent, but Owes $3,771 in Late Charges for December 1, 2010, Through December 31, 2011
11/21/2012 |
Airport Commission: Harmony Pharmacy & Health Center, Inc. Correctly Paid Its Rent, but Owes $2,340 in Late Charges and Did Not Submit on Time Its Certified Statement of Revenue for 4/8/2011-4/7/2012
11/20/2012 |
Report on Retiree (Postemployment) Medical Benefit Costs
11/19/2012 |
Board of Supervisors: Ten Selected Organizations Complied With the San Francisco Administration Code, Chapter 12G, By Not Using City Funds for Political Activity
11/19/2012 |
Whistleblower 2012-13 Quarter 1 Report
11/13/2012 |
October 30, 2012
11/13/2012 |
November 6, 2012
11/1/2012 |
Annual Year-End Performance Measure Report Fiscal Year 2011-12
10/29/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Department's Power Enterprise Lacks Adequate Controls to Safeguard Its Inventory
10/25/2012 |
October 9, 2012
10/25/2012 |
October 16, 2012
10/25/2012 |
October 2, 2012
10/25/2012 |
October 23, 2012
10/24/2012 |
A Culture of Change: Follow-up on the Laguna Honda Organizational Effectiveness Project
10/18/2012 |
Whistleblower Program Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2011-12
9/28/2012 |
September 18, 2012
9/28/2012 |
September 25, 2012
9/26/2012 |
Jail Population Study Update
9/17/2012 |
September 4, 2012
9/17/2012 |
September 11, 2012
9/12/2012 |
Office of Contract Administration and Department of Public Health: The Departments Should Better Administer and Monitor the City Contract With GRM Information Management Services
9/10/2012 |
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Department Generally Has Adequate Internal Controls Over the Tools Used to Maintain Its Motor Coach Transit Fleet, but Can Improve Some Controls
9/6/2012 |
Office of Contract Administration and San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The $78 Million Citywide Western States Oil Company Contract Should Be Better Administered
9/5/2012 |
Government Barometer Report June 2012
9/5/2012 |
Whistleblower 2011-12 Quarter 4 Report
9/4/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Community Assistance Program’s Significant Operational Weaknesses Make It Susceptible to
Customer Abuse
8/30/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Water Enterprise
24/7 Dispatch Operations
8/29/2012 |
City and County of San Francisco: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2008 Faulty Payroll Payment Controls Audit
8/28/2012 |
Airport Commission: Delta Air Lines, Inc. Paid All Landing Fees Due But Owes the Airport $46,721 in Late Charges for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011
8/28/2012 |
Airport Commission: Emirates Paid All Landing Fees Due But Owes the Airport $3,720 in Late Charges for December 15, 2008, Through March 31, 2011
8/28/2012 |
AIRPORT COMMISSION: Harbor Airport, Correctly Paid Its Rent But Owes $1,179 in Late Charges and Did Not Submit on Time Its Certified Statement of Revenue for January 1, 2009, Through December 31, 2011
8/28/2012 |
Airport Commission: Gotham Overstated Its Gross Revenues by $26,047 and Did Not Submit on Time Its Certified Statement of Revenue and Lease Payments for December 1, 2008, Through December 31, 2011
8/28/2012 |
Airport Commission: Philippine Airlines Paid All Landing Fees Due for April 1, 2008, Through March 31, 2011
8/27/2012 |
Enacting a Gross Receipts Tax, and Phasing-Out the Payroll Expense Tax: Economic Impact Report. Corrected August 24th, 2012
8/15/2012 |
FY 2012-13 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/6/2012 |
July 10, 2012
8/6/2012 |
July 17, 2012
8/6/2012 |
July 24, 2012
8/6/2012 |
July 31, 2012
8/3/2012 |
Contract with Shell Energy for the CleanPowerSF Program: Economic Impact Report
8/2/2012 |
Annual Salary Ordinance for Fiscal Years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
8/2/2012 |
Adopted Budget and Annual Appropriation Ordinance for Fiscal Years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014
7/31/2012 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2012
7/31/2012 |
Planning Fee Benchmarking Study FY12
7/30/2012 |
Department of Public Works: Webcor Generally Complies With Progress Payment Requirements, but Should Improve Internal Guidelines to Ensure Accuracy and Completeness
7/26/2012 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2011-2012 and FY 2012-2013 (Ordinance No. 146-11)
7/25/2012 |
Department of Public Health: Results of the Audit of the $2.2 Million KCI USA, Inc., Sole Source Contract
7/23/2012 |
Citywide Combined Report - Cash Transactions Assessments Fiscal Year 2011-12: Eight Departments Have Adequate Cash-handling Processes, But One Needs Major Improvements
7/20/2012 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2011-12, Fourth Quarter
7/18/2012 |
Enacting a Gross Receipts Tax, and Phasing-Out the Payroll Expense Tax: Economic Impact Report
7/18/2012 |
Increasing the Real Property Transfer Tax on Certain Transfers: Economic Impact Report
7/17/2012 |
Department of Technology: Results of the Audit of the $75 Million Citywide AT&T Corporation Contract
7/17/2012 |
SFMTA: The Parking Enforcement Section Should More Effectively Manage Its Resources, Strengthen Some Internal Controls, and Improve the Efficiency of Its Operations
7/16/2012 |
Department of Public Works: Assessment of the Department's Compliance With Construction Contract Close-out Procedures for the Chinatown Public Health Center ADA Improvements Phase II Project
7/16/2012 |
Department of Public Works: Assessment of Compliance With Construction Contract Close-out Procedures for the Castro Street Pavement Renovation Project
7/12/2012 |
Citywide Combined Report - Payroll Audits Fiscal Year 2011-12: Payroll Operations of Three Departments Are Generally Adequate, but Controller Lacks Payroll Control Guidelines
7/11/2012 |
City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan, Fiscal Year 2012-2013
7/11/2012 |
City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan, Fiscal Year 2012-2013
7/10/2012 |
Proposed Budget and Annual Appropriation Ordinance as of July 10, 2012
7/10/2012 |
Annual Salary Ordinance As Proposed by the Budget and Finance Committee July 10, 2012
7/9/2012 |
June 19, 2012
7/9/2012 |
June 26, 2012
7/5/2012 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Assessment of Indirect Rate Submissions of Six Central Subway Partners Contractors
6/28/2012 |
Department of Public Health: Results of the Audit of the $6 Million Citywide Konica Minolta Business Solutions USA, Inc. Contract
6/21/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Results of the Follow-up Review of the 2009 Audit of the Parsons Water System Improvement Program Contract
6/20/2012 |
Government Barometer April 2012
6/18/2012 |
Board of Supervisors: Franchise Fee Audit of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for 2009 and 2010
6/15/2012 |
June 5, 2012
6/15/2012 |
June 12, 2012
6/14/2012 |
FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 Revenue Letter: Controller's Discussion of the Mayor's FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 Proposed Budget
6/13/2012 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund: Annual Report for FY 2012-13
5/31/2012 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2012-2013 and FY 2013-2014 May 31, 2012 Proposed Budget
5/31/2012 |
Proposed Budgets: FY 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 May 31, 2012 Proposed Budget (PDF)
5/30/2012 |
May 08, 2012
5/30/2012 |
May 15, 2012
5/30/2012 |
May 22, 2012
5/29/2012 |
Office of Citizen Complaints: Results of the Follow-up of the 2007 Audit
5/24/2012 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Santa Clara Sand and Gravel Did Not Correctly Pay All Its Royalty Fees and SFPUC Needs to Improve Its Lease Management
5/17/2012 |
Airport Commission: The Airport Needs to Enhance Procedures Over Tenants' Build-out Close-out Compliance
5/17/2012 |
Whistleblower 2011-12 Quarter 3 Report
5/17/2012 |
Memorandum- Title IV-E Program Review
5/16/2012 |
Memorandum - Ordinance 205-11; Response from the Controller's Office and Film Office Regarding the San Francisco Film Rebate Program
5/11/2012 |
FY 2011-12 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
5/10/2012 |
Citywide Nonprofit Monitoring Program: Findings Memorandum
5/10/2012 |
San Francisco Business Tax Reform: Status Report on Work to Date
5/10/2012 |
City Services Auditor Follow-up on Recommendation Implementation Status Summary - Fiscal Year 2011-12, Third Quarter
5/8/2012 |
Street Maintenance Benchmarking Report FY 2011
5/7/2012 |
Five Year Financial Plan Update for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2012-13 through FY 2015-16
5/4/2012 |
April 24, 2012
5/4/2012 |
May 01, 2012
5/2/2012 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2011
5/2/2012 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2011
5/1/2012 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2012-2013 and FY 2013-2014 May 1 Proposed Budget for Selected Departments
5/1/2012 |
Proposed Budgets: FY 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 May 1 Proposed Budget for Selected Departments (PDF)
4/27/2012 |
Fiscal Year 2012-13 & 2013-14 Master Fee Schedules
4/26/2012 |
Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Services
4/23/2012 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: Bayview Opera House Inc., Did Not Comply With Some Grant Agreement Provisions and Needs to Improve Its Internal Controls
4/23/2012 |
April 10, 2012
4/23/2012 |
April 17, 2012
4/16/2012 |
Government Barometer February 2012
4/11/2012 |
April 3, 2012
4/5/2012 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Customer Service Center’s Cash-handling Processes Are Generally Adequate but Need Some Improvement
4/4/2012 |
March 20, 2012
4/4/2012 |
March 27, 2012
3/22/2012 |
Park Maintenance Standards Six Month Report FY2011-12
3/21/2012 |
March 13, 2012
3/20/2012 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2009 Portsmouth Plaza Parking Corporation Audit
3/13/2012 |
Airport Commission: Polaris Research and Development, Inc., Adequately Complies With Its Contract, but the Department’s Administration of the Contract Needs Improvement
3/13/2012 |
March 06, 2012
3/8/2012 |
FY 2011-12 Feb 1 Biannual Overtime Report
3/7/2012 |
Capital Projects Performance Report
3/5/2012 |
February 28, 2012
3/5/2012 |
The Economic Impact of San Francisco's Nightlife Businesses
2/29/2012 |
Human Services Agency: The Department Can Better Use Global Positioning System Data to Improve Fleet Management
2/23/2012 |
Whistleblower 2011-12 Quarter 2 Report
2/23/2012 |
Recreation and Parks Department Fee Analysis
2/17/2012 |
February 7, 2012
2/17/2012 |
February 14, 2012
2/16/2012 |
Community-based Long Term Care Fiscal Analysis FY 2011-12
2/14/2012 |
Government Barometer December 2011
2/13/2012 |
FY 2011-12 Six-Month Budget Status Reports
2/8/2012 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Results of the Follow-up Review of the Review of 2009 Indirect Rate Submissions From Central Subway Partners Contractors
2/1/2012 |
January 24, 2012
1/24/2012 |
San Francisco Police Department: CompStat Review
1/20/2012 |
Whistleblower 2011-12 Quarter 1 Report
1/17/2012 |
January 10, 2012
1/10/2012 |
Mental Health Medi-Cal (MH-MC) Revenue Enhancement Project
1/5/2012 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - October 2011
12/28/2011 |
2011 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/22/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of EAN, LLC
12/22/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc., dba Clear Channel Airports
12/22/2011 |
Government Barometer October 2011
12/22/2011 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statement Audit of the City Investment Pool July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011
12/21/2011 |
Recreation and Park Department: Construction Audit of McCoppin Square Park Renovation
12/20/2011 |
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency: Audit of Seven Programs in the Western Addition A-2 Redevelopment Plan
12/16/2011 |
December 13, 2011
12/13/2011 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Audit of the Ellis-O’Farrell Parking
Garage for May 2008 Through June
12/12/2011 |
December 06, 2011
12/2/2011 |
November 22, 2011
12/1/2011 |
Development Impact Fee Report FY 2010-11 (PDF)
11/30/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of San Francisco Soup Company, Inc.
11/30/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of ILJ San Francisco, LLC
11/30/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of DTG Operations, Inc.
11/30/2011 |
Checkout Bag Charge: Economic Impact Report
11/29/2011 |
Annual Year-End Performance Measurement Report Fiscal Year 2010-11
11/28/2011 |
FY2011 Single Audit Report
11/22/2011 |
Whistleblower Program 2010-11 Annual Report
11/22/2011 |
November 15, 2011
11/17/2011 |
Park Maintenance Standards Annual Report FY 2010-11
11/16/2011 |
Board of Supervisors: NRG Energy Center San Francisco LLC Properly Paid Its Franchise Fees for 2009 and 2010
11/16/2011 |
November 8, 2011
11/15/2011 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: Assessment of the Department's Financial Management
11/14/2011 |
Airport Commission: The Airport and Transportation Corridor Agencies Are Complying With Their Agreement
11/14/2011 |
November 1, 2011
11/10/2011 |
Department of Public Works: Public Works and Jacobs Project Management Have Appropriate Internal Controls Over the San Francisco General Hospital Rebuild Project
11/3/2011 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - August 2011
11/2/2011 |
October, 25, 2011
10/24/2011 |
October 18, 2011
10/19/2011 |
Human Services Agency: The Department Needs to Improve Controls Over Some Types of Premium Pay
10/18/2011 |
Government Barometer August 2011
10/17/2011 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Compliance Review (Administrative Code Chapter 12G) for Fiscal Year 2009-10
10/13/2011 |
Human Services Agency and Department of Public Health: The City's Efforts and Resources to House Homeless Individuals Have Increased, but New Strategies Could Lead to Improved Program Effectiveness
10/7/2011 |
October 4, 2011
10/6/2011 |
2011 San Francisco City Survey
10/5/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of Ferry Building Investors, LLC
10/4/2011 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Review of the Department's Fiscal Year 2010-11 Work Orders
10/3/2011 |
September 27, 2011
9/29/2011 |
Human Rights Commission: Local Business Enterprise (LBE) Compliance Audit 2009-2010
9/22/2011 |
Airport Commission: The Airport Should Improve Its Recordkeeping of Fixed Assets
9/22/2011 |
September 20, 2011
9/20/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Bassam and Nancy Shihadeh dba Amoura Cafe
9/20/2011 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Federal Express Corporation
9/15/2011 |
September 13, 2011
9/12/2011 |
September 6, 2011
9/7/2011 |
Department of Elections: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2009 Cost Recovery Assessment
8/25/2011 |
Port Commission: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2009 Concession Reviews
8/24/2011 |
City and County of San Francisco: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2009 Administrative Code Chapter 12G Compliance Review
8/22/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of Boudin Properties, Inc.
8/17/2011 |
Airport Compliance Audits: Cathay Pacific Airways Limited
8/17/2011 |
Airport Compliance Audits: Singapore Airlines
8/16/2011 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Standards: Annual Report FY 2010-11
8/15/2011 |
Government Barometer June 2011
8/15/2011 |
FY 2011-12 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/10/2011 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - June 2011
8/8/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of Imperial Parking, Inc.
8/8/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of China Basin Ballpark Company LLC
8/5/2011 |
August 2, 2011
7/29/2011 |
July 19, 2011
7/29/2011 |
July 26, 2011
7/26/2011 |
Airport Commission: Fox Rent A Car, Inc. Has Unreliable Records and May Owe At Least $532,451 in Fees, Fines and Penalties
7/26/2011 |
Adopted Budgets: Fiscal Year 2011-2012 & 2012-2013 (PDF)-6MB
7/20/2011 |
Roots Fellowship Program Evaluation
7/19/2011 |
0.5% Sales Tax for Public Safety, Seniors, and Children: Economic Impact Report
7/14/2011 |
Amendments to the Health Care Security Ordinance: Economic Impact Report
7/14/2011 |
Prohibition of Demolition of Large Residential Buildings: Economic Impact Report
7/14/2011 |
July 12, 2011
7/14/2011 |
May 3, 2011
7/14/2011 |
May 10, 2011
7/14/2011 |
May 17, 2011
7/13/2011 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments and Accrued Interest Receivable as of at March 31, 2011
7/13/2011 |
Program Evaluation of the PUC Energy Efficiency General Fund Program
7/12/2011 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: The Street Artists Program Should Improve Its Internal Controls and Accounting Practices
7/11/2011 |
Citywide Combined Report - Cash Transactions Assessments Fiscal Year 2010-11: Nine Departments Have Adequate Cash-handling Processes, But One Needs Major Improvements
7/7/2011 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Virgin Atlantic Airways
7/7/2011 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Lufthansa German Airlines
7/7/2011 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
7/1/2011 |
June 21, 2011
7/1/2011 |
June 28, 2011
6/30/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of Alioto Fish Company, Ltd.
6/30/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of SFS39 Inc.
6/30/2011 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of The Pollack Group, Ltd.
6/30/2011 |
City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan FY2011-2012
6/23/2011 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Audit of the Fifth & Mission/Yerba Buena Parking Garage
6/21/2011 |
June 7, 2011
6/21/2011 |
June 14, 2011
6/16/2011 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - April 2011
6/14/2011 |
Letter for the FY 2011-2012 Proposed Budget
6/13/2011 |
Government Barometer April 2011
6/13/2011 |
Community-based Long Term Care Fiscal Analysis
6/13/2011 |
Memorandum - Recreation and Parks Department Maintenance Data Analysis
6/9/2011 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Sustainable Streets Division Could Improve Its Operations
6/2/2011 |
May 24, 2011
6/2/2011 |
April 19, 2011
6/2/2011 |
April 26, 2011
6/2/2011 |
May 10, 2011
6/2/2011 |
May 17, 2011
6/1/2011 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund: Annual Report for FY 2011-12
5/26/2011 |
Street and Sidewalk Perception Study Report
5/24/2011 |
ParkMerced Redevelopment: Economic Impact Report
5/12/2011 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - February 2011
5/11/2011 |
Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Project: Economic Impact Report
5/10/2011 |
FY 2010-11 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
5/9/2011 |
Controller's Office and Office of Contract Administration Report on Commodity Purchasing
5/9/2011 |
Yellow Pages Distribution Pilot Program: Economic Impact Report
5/5/2011 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Review of Indirect Rate Submissions for Eight Central Subway Partners (CSP) Contractors
5/3/2011 |
Five Year Financial Plan Fiscal Years 2011-2012 through 2015-2016
5/3/2011 |
Excluding Stock Options from the Payroll Tax: Economic Impact Report
5/3/2011 |
Proposed Five Year Financial Plan FY 2011-12 through FY 2015-16
4/27/2011 |
Park Maintenance Standards Six Month Report, FY 2010-11
4/21/2011 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2010
4/21/2011 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2010
4/20/2011 |
April 12, 2011
4/20/2011 |
Fiscal Year 2011-12 Master Fee Schedules
4/15/2011 |
Analysis of the Deferred Retirement Option Program's Cost Neutrality and Achievement of the Program's Goals
4/14/2011 |
Department of Aging and Adult Services: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2009 Audit
4/12/2011 |
April 5, 2011
4/12/2011 |
San Francisco Utilities Commission: Water Enterprise Should Continue To Improve Its Inventory Management
4/11/2011 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2011-12 through FY 2013-14
4/6/2011 |
Government Barometer February 2011
4/4/2011 |
March 29, 2011
3/24/2011 |
March 22, 2011
3/18/2011 |
March 1, 2011
3/18/2011 |
March 8, 2011
3/18/2011 |
March 15. 2011
3/16/2011 |
San Francisco Fire Department: Undefined Pay Practices Increased Department Expenditures
3/15/2011 |
Payroll Expense Tax Exclusion in Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area:
Economic Impact Report
3/3/2011 |
FY 2010-11 Feb 1 Biannual Overtime Report
2/24/2011 |
February 15, 2011
2/15/2011 |
February 8, 2011
2/14/2011 |
January 11, 2011
2/14/2011 |
January 25, 2011
2/14/2011 |
110070 Economic Impact Determination
2/14/2011 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - December 2010
2/9/2011 |
FY 2010-11 Six-Month Budget Status Reports
2/7/2011 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Pacific Gateway Concessions, LLC
2/3/2011 |
Government Barometer December 2010
1/28/2011 |
2010 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
1/28/2011 |
FY2010 Single Audit Report
1/27/2011 |
SFPUC - Audit of WSIP Contracts for Tesla & East/West
1/14/2011 |
DPH Primary Care Behavioral Health Integration Project Summary Report
1/14/2011 |
January 4, 2011
1/7/2011 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statement Audit of the City Investment Pool July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
1/4/2011 |
FY 2009-10 Development Impact Fee Report (PDF)
1/2/2011 |
General Fund Revenue Overview, January 2011
12/22/2010 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - October 2010
12/21/2010 |
Fiscal and Governance Assessment of San Francisco Pride
12/21/2010 |
Traffic Citation Tracking and Reporting Process and Improvements
12/21/2010 |
November 23, 2010
12/21/2010 |
December 7, 2010
12/21/2010 |
December 14, 2010
12/14/2010 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of the Bank of America, N.A.
12/14/2010 |
Board of Supervisors: Minor Findings of the Political Activity Compliance Review (Administrative Code Chapter 12G) for Fiscal Years 2007-08 and 2008-09
12/14/2010 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Compliance Review (Administrative Code Chapter 12G) for Fiscal Years 2007-08 and 2008-09
12/13/2010 |
Government Barometer October 2010
12/13/2010 |
America's Cup Northern Waterfront Alternative: Economic Impact Report
12/6/2010 |
Airport Commission: The Airport Can Better Verify Aircraft Landing Data and Improve Some Key Computer Controls for Its Accounting System
12/6/2010 |
Affordable Housing Exemption for Qualified Student Housing: Economic Impact Report
12/2/2010 |
Annual Year-End Performance Measure Report
Fiscal Year 2009-10
12/1/2010 |
Local Hiring Policy for Construction: Economic Impact Report
12/1/2010 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission:
Audit of Crystal Springs Golf Partners, L.P.
11/29/2010 |
November 16, 2010
11/23/2010 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Hanson Aggregates, Inc., Did Not Make All Required Lease Payments and the PUC Did Not Properly Manage Its Leases
11/22/2010 |
Department of Public Health: Laguna Honda Hospital Needs to Improve the Management of Its Gift Fund
11/18/2010 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2010
11/18/2010 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2009
11/18/2010 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2009
11/16/2010 |
November 2, 2010
11/16/2010 |
November 9, 2010
11/10/2010 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: The African American Art and Culture Complex Properly Used Grant Funds and the Arts Commission Needs to Clarify Some Provisions of the Grant Agreement Requirements
11/10/2010 |
Resources for Improved Streetscape Design and Maintenance
11/8/2010 |
Department of Public Works: Results of the Follow-up Review of the 2007 Branch Library Improvement Program Audit
11/5/2010 |
October 26, 2010
11/4/2010 |
Government Barometer August 2010
11/3/2010 |
Citywide average score continues to increase for the fifth year in a row.
10/28/2010 |
Less litter on streets and sidewalks, less illegal dumping and cleaner trees during FY2009-10 street and sidewalk inspections.
10/27/2010 |
October 19, 2010
10/25/2010 |
Airport Commission: Administration of the SFO Shuttle Bus Company Contract Needs to Be Significantly Improved
10/20/2010 |
FY 2010-11 Three Month Budget Status Reports
10/14/2010 |
Controller's Economic Barometer - August 2010
10/14/2010 |
October 05, 2010
10/13/2010 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Hawaiian Airlines, Inc.
10/5/2010 |
Child Care Feasibility Study 101094
10/5/2010 |
Affordable Housing Exemption - 101095
10/5/2010 |
Energy Audit for Commercial Buildings - 101105
10/5/2010 |
City's Open Data Policy - 101155
10/4/2010 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of the Paradies Shops, Inc.
9/30/2010 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Host International, Inc.
9/28/2010 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Smarte Carte, Inc.
9/27/2010 |
September 21, 2010
9/27/2010 |
September 14, 2010
9/27/2010 |
August 10, 2010
9/16/2010 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of J. Avery Enterprises, Inc., dba Klein's Deli
9/10/2010 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: A Review of the San Francisco AutoReturn Towing Contract August 2006, Through July 2007
9/9/2010 |
San Francisco Police Department and Office of the District Attorney: Assessment of the Asset Forfeiture Program
9/8/2010 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of JetBlue Airways Corporation
9/7/2010 |
Whistleblower Program 2009-10 Annual Report
9/1/2010 |
San Francisco Police Commission: Review of the Patrol Specials
8/31/2010 |
City Services Auditor
Annual Work Plan,
Fiscal Year 2010-2011
8/30/2010 |
Controller's Economic Barometer: June 2010
8/25/2010 |
Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center: Model of Care Assessment Report
8/18/2010 |
San Francisco Police Department: The Department Needs to Improve Its Controls Over Overtime and Premium Pay
8/17/2010 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Wastewater Enterprise Could Improve its Inventory Management
8/16/2010 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Air Canada
8/10/2010 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Audit of Administration of Fixed Rent Agreements with Revenues Exceeding $100,000
8/9/2010 |
Establishing an Alcohol Mitigation Fee: Economic Impact Report - Amended
8/9/2010 |
FY 2010-11 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
8/4/2010 |
Establishing an Alcohol Mitigation Fee: Economic Impact Report
8/3/2010 |
August 3, 2010
8/2/2010 |
Government Barometer Dataset June 2010
7/29/2010 |
Government Barometer June 2010
7/28/2010 |
Human Rights Commission: Local Business Enterprise (LBE) Compliance Audit 2006-2009
7/27/2010 |
July 27, 2010
7/27/2010 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2010-2011 and FY 2011-2012 (Ordinance No. 191-10)
7/27/2010 |
Adopted Budgets: Fiscal Year 2010-2011 & 2011-2012 (PDF)-11MB
7/22/2010 |
June 29, 2010
7/22/2010 |
July 13, 2010
7/22/2010 |
July 20, 2010
7/20/2010 |
July 20, 2010
7/15/2010 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Qantas Airways, Limited
7/14/2010 |
Increasing the Real Property Transfer Tax (Amended): Economic Impact Report
7/13/2010 |
July 13, 2010
7/12/2010 |
Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 2/Candlestick Point: Economic Impact Report
7/9/2010 |
Parking Tax Increase and Tax on Valet Services: Economic Impact Report
6/30/2010 |
Alcohol Mitigation Fee Nexus Study (PDF)
6/29/2010 |
June 22, 2010
6/29/2010 |
2009 San Francisco City Survey Economic Indicators Topic Report
6/29/2010 |
2009 San Francisco City Survey Resident Satisfaction Topic Report
6/28/2010 |
Establishing a Progressive Payroll Expense Tax: Economic Impact Report
6/23/2010 |
Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families: Review and Analysis of DCYF Funding Decisions for FY 2010-11 through FY 2012-13
6/21/2010 |
June 15, 2010
6/15/2010 |
San Francisco Police Department: Cost Estimates for Achieving Operational Effectiveness in Crime Lab Operations
6/14/2010 |
June 08, 2010
6/14/2010 |
May 25, 2010
6/14/2010 |
Memorandum: Civilianization in the San Francisco Police Department - Patrol, Investigations, and Continued Support Functions
6/10/2010 |
Recreation and Park Commission: Concession Audit of Kemper Sports Management - Harding Park, LLC
6/10/2010 |
Letter for the FY 2010-2011 Proposed Budget
6/9/2010 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Audit of the City of San Francisco Japan Center Garage Corportation
6/8/2010 |
Government Barometer April 2010
6/7/2010 |
Improving San Francisco's Business Tax: An Analysis of Two Alternatives
6/4/2010 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund: Annual Report for FY 2010-11
6/2/2010 |
San Francisco Police Department Addressing Crime and Disorder on the Municipal Railway: A Case Study on Data-Driven Policing in the Ingleside District
6/1/2010 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2007 Audit of Cable Car Fare Collection Practices
5/25/2010 |
Fiscal Year 2010-11 Master Fee Schedules
5/21/2010 |
May 18, 2010
5/20/2010 |
San Francisco Police Department: The Property Control Unit Can Account for the Monetary Evidence in Its Inventory but Needs to Improve Some of Its Controls
5/18/2010 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Audit of Sunol Valley Golf & Recreation Co.
5/18/2010 |
April 13, 2010
5/18/2010 |
May 11, 2010
5/11/2010 |
Improving San Francisco's Business Tax: An Analysis of Two Alternatives (Interim Report)
5/11/2010 |
FY 2009-10 May 1 Biannual Overtime Report
5/7/2010 |
April 20, 2010
5/7/2010 |
April 27, 2010
5/7/2010 |
FY 2009-10 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
4/30/2010 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: A Compliance Review of the Agency’s Work Orders for Fiscal Year 2008-09
4/22/2010 |
Department of Public Health: Monitoring of A-133 Single Audit Reports for Agencies Awarded Federal Funds by DPH in Fiscal Year 2008-09
4/19/2010 |
April 06, 2010
4/19/2010 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, February 2010
4/15/2010 |
A Guide to San Francisco's Budget Process (English)
4/13/2010 |
Airport Commission: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2008 Hertz Corporation Concession Audit
4/12/2010 |
Community-based Long Term Care Fiscal Analysis
4/2/2010 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2010-11 through FY 2012-13
4/1/2010 |
March 23, 2010
4/1/2010 |
March 30, 2010
3/31/2010 |
Government Barometer February 2010
3/30/2010 |
Airport Commission: Cash Handling Audit of Ground Transportation Unit
3/23/2010 |
Memorandum - Haight Ashbury Neighborhood: Summary of Information About Homelessness, Services, Citations, and Public Perception of Crime
3/22/2010 |
Department of Public Health: Cost Review of Edgewood Center for Children and Families’ Residential Mental Health Program
3/22/2010 |
Transfer Fee and Fee Deferral Options for Developers: Economic Impact Report
3/22/2010 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, January 2010
3/19/2010 |
March 02, 2010
3/19/2010 |
March 09, 2010
3/19/2010 |
March 16, 2010
3/18/2010 |
Airport Commission: Cash Handling Audit of New South Parking
3/16/2010 |
Park Standards 6-Month Report FY 2009-10
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Encumbrance by Organization Code
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Fund Summary drill-down
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Grant drill-down
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Operating Balances
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Project drill-down
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Transactions by Document Reference
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Vendor Screens
3/8/2010 |
Grants Training Tutorial
3/8/2010 |
Advance Payments
3/8/2010 |
Blanket Purchase Orders
3/8/2010 |
BW-Work Order Budgets
3/8/2010 |
CO-Change Orders
3/8/2010 |
Contract Retentions/Liens
3/8/2010 |
Contracting Guidelines
3/8/2010 |
Cost Allocation Plans
3/8/2010 |
DP-Departmental Purchase Order
3/8/2010 |
Electronic Payment Requests from Nonprofit Contractors
3/8/2010 |
EN/EJ Encumbrance/Modification Document
3/8/2010 |
Manual Appropriation Carryforward of Annually budgeted funds
3/8/2010 |
Non-Uniform Employee Claims
3/8/2010 |
One-Time Payments
3/8/2010 |
PO Standard Purchase Order
3/8/2010 |
Post Audits
3/8/2010 |
Prompt Payment Guidelines
3/8/2010 |
Prompt Payment Guidelines
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing Document Matrix
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing Overview
3/8/2010 |
Revenue Transfers
3/8/2010 |
Revolving Fund Administration
3/8/2010 |
Sales & Use Tax
3/8/2010 |
Surplus Transfers
3/8/2010 |
Temporary Diverted Requisitions/Substitutions (TXs)
3/8/2010 |
Travel & Official Business Expense Regulations
3/8/2010 |
Wire Transfers
3/8/2010 |
Work Orders - Forms
3/8/2010 |
Contacts - Accounting Operations and Grants
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Department Codes
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Document Types and Prefixes
3/8/2010 |
FAMIS-Financial Inquiry Menus
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing Inquiry Screens
3/8/2010 |
YE-FAMIS Month-End Closing Schedule by FY
3/8/2010 |
YE-Interest Distribution Schedule by FY
3/8/2010 |
YE-Labor Distribution System Processing Schedule by FY
3/8/2010 |
Financial Administration of Grants and Gifts
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing-Blanket Purchase Order (BPO)
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing-Direct Purchase Order (DPO)
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing-Direct Voucher
3/8/2010 |
Purchasing-Document Matrix
3/8/2010 |
3/8/2010 |
3/8/2010 |
3/8/2010 |
3/8/2010 |
3/8/2010 |
Accounting Rules and Contracting Regulations Workshop
3/8/2010 |
AOSD Government Accounting Training Materials
3/8/2010 |
Approval Path Updates
3/8/2010 |
Post Audit Training Workshop
3/8/2010 |
YE-Closing Dates-Key Dates
3/8/2010 |
YE-Preparing Purchasing Documents Presentation
3/8/2010 |
YE-Preparing Purchasing Documents Deadlines
3/8/2010 |
YE-Year-end Close Workshop
3/5/2010 |
FAMIS-Appropriation Control drill-down
3/5/2010 |
FAMIS-Document Type Sort on Approval Screen
3/4/2010 |
February 09, 2010
3/4/2010 |
February 23, 2010
3/4/2010 |
Street and Sidewalk Inspection Results Data FY07 - FY10Q2
3/2/2010 |
Sheriff's Department: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2007 Audit of the Inmate Welfare Fund
3/2/2010 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance 6-Month Report FY 2009-10
Commercial and residential routes both met street and sidewalk cleanliness standards during the first half of FY 2009-10
3/1/2010 |
January 12, 2010
3/1/2010 |
January 26, 2010
3/1/2010 |
February 02, 2010
2/25/2010 |
Department of Public Health: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2006 audit of Laguna Honda Hospital
2/17/2010 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statement Audit of the City Investment Pool July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009
2/17/2010 |
Government Barometer Dataset December 2009
2/16/2010 |
FY 2009-10 Feb 1 Biannual Overtime Report
2/10/2010 |
Temporary Revision of Payroll Tax Expense: Economic Impact Analysis
2/9/2010 |
FY 2009-10 Six-Month Budget Status Reports
2/1/2010 |
Government Barometer December 2009
1/21/2010 |
Board of Supervisors: Franchise Fee Audit of Comcast of California III, Inc.
1/20/2010 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of March 31, 2009
1/19/2010 |
Better Streets Plan: Recommendations for Improved Streetscape Project Planning, Design, Review and Approval
1/11/2010 |
Seismic Strengthening of Soft-Story, Wood-Frame Buildings: Economic Impact Report
1/11/2010 |
January 05, 2010
1/7/2010 |
Human Services Agency: Results of the Follow-up Review for 2006 Audit of the Family and Children’s Services Division
1/5/2010 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: SomArts Properly Used Grant Funds But the Arts Commission Needs to Clarify Provisions of the Grant Agreement
1/5/2010 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: The Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts Properly Used Grant Funds But the Arts Commission needs to Clarify Provisions of the Grant Agreement
1/4/2010 |
December 15, 2009
12/23/2009 |
2009 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/23/2009 |
FY2009 Single Audit Report
12/18/2009 |
Office of Contract Administration: Office Depot Did Not Comply With Its Contract and Has Overcharged the City at Least $5.75 Million
12/18/2009 |
August 11, 2009
12/16/2009 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Annual Report FY 2008-09 More litter on commercial streets and sidewalks, less illegal dumping and more public and private graffiti...
12/16/2009 |
FY 2008-09 Parks Annual Report: Park Scores Citywide Increased for Fourth Year, but Disparities Remain Between Districts
12/15/2009 |
Government Barometer April 2009
12/15/2009 |
Government Barometer June 2009
12/15/2009 |
Government Barometer August 2009
12/15/2009 |
Government Barometer October 2009
12/15/2009 |
Latest Government Barometer Dataset
12/11/2009 |
December 08, 2009
12/11/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, October 2009
12/10/2009 |
Airport Commission: Cash Handling Audit of Security Access Office
12/7/2009 |
Office of Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of the Schedule of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of September 30, 2008
12/7/2009 |
Office of The Treasurer and Tax Collector: Quarterly Review of Cash, Investments, and Accrued Interest Receivable as of December 31, 2008
12/7/2009 |
Five Year Evaluation of the Biotechnology Payroll Tax Exclusion
12/4/2009 |
November 24, 2009
12/3/2009 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Audit of Mission Bartlett, North Beach, Vallejo Street, and
San Francisco General Hospital Garages
11/23/2009 |
Board of Supervisors: Franchise Fee Audit of Astound Broadband, LLC
11/23/2009 |
November 17, 2009
11/16/2009 |
Board of Supervisors: Franchise Fee Audit of NRG Energy Center San Francisco LLC
11/16/2009 |
November 10, 2009
11/16/2009 |
FY 2009-10 Three Month Budget Status Reports
11/13/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, September 2009
11/10/2009 |
November 3, 2009
11/9/2009 |
Port Commission: There is Poor Management and Oversight of the Triangle Parking Lot
11/4/2009 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Japan Airlines Company, Ltd.
11/2/2009 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Southwest Airlines Co.
10/30/2009 |
October 20, 2009
10/30/2009 |
October 27, 2009
10/29/2009 |
Annual Year-End Performance Measure Report Fiscal Year 2008-09
10/29/2009 |
Board of Supervisors: Franchise Fee Audit of Pacific Gas & Electric Company
10/27/2009 |
Whistleblower 2008-09 Annual Report
10/26/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of DFS Group, L.P.
10/22/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Gotham Enterprises, LLC dba Peet's Coffee & Tea
10/21/2009 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Audit of City of San Francisco Portsmouth Plaza Parking Corporation
10/20/2009 |
Sheriff's Department: Financial Statement Audit of the Intergovernmental Partnership Grant February 1, 2007, Through June 30, 2009
10/14/2009 |
October 06, 2009
10/9/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, August 2009
10/8/2009 |
August 18, 2009
10/6/2009 |
Department of the Environment: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2007 Audit
9/28/2009 |
September 22, 2009
9/21/2009 |
September 15, 2009
9/17/2009 |
Office of Citizen Complaints: Results of the Follow-up Review for the 2007 Audit
9/3/2009 |
City Services Auditor Annual Work Plan, Fiscal Year 2009-10
8/27/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Guava & Java (SFO) Inc.
8/27/2009 |
Department of Public Works: The Department Needs to Ensure Contract Terms Are Consistent With Actual Practices and Procedures in the Branch Library Improvement Program
8/26/2009 |
Office of the Assessor-Recorder: The Department Continues to Improve Its Operations
8/17/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer June 2009
8/5/2009 |
Department of Public Health: Monitoring of A-133 Single Audit Reports for Agencies Awarded Federal Funds by DPH in Fiscal Year 2007-08
8/4/2009 |
August 4, 2009
8/3/2009 |
FY 2009-10 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
7/29/2009 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Virgin America, Inc.
7/28/2009 |
July 28, 2009
7/28/2009 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2009-2010 (Ordinance No. 183-09)
7/28/2009 |
Adopted Budgets: Fiscal Year 2009-2010 (PDF)-11.2MB
7/21/2009 |
July 21, 2009
7/14/2009 |
Parcel Tax for Recreation and Parks: Economic Impact Report
7/14/2009 |
July 14, 2009
7/13/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, May 2009
7/7/2009 |
July 7, 2009
7/1/2009 |
Local Vehicle License Fee: Economic Impact Report
7/1/2009 |
0.5% Sales Tax for Health, Human Services, and Protective Services: Economic Impact Report
6/30/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Airport Management Services, LLC
6/30/2009 |
June 30, 2009
6/25/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
6/23/2009 |
Memorandum: Inquiry into the Office of the Public Defender's Budget
6/23/2009 |
June 23, 2009
6/17/2009 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund: Annual Report for FY 2009-10
6/16/2009 |
June 16, 2009
6/10/2009 |
Letter for the FY 2009-2010 Proposed Budget
6/9/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, April 2009
6/9/2009 |
June 9, 2009
6/8/2009 |
Department of Aging and Adult Services: The Department Lacks Key Accounting Controls to Safeguard Client Assets in Three of Its Programs
6/2/2009 |
June 2, 2009
5/27/2009 |
Recreation and Park Department: The San Francisco Forty Niners Owe the City More Than Half a Million Dollars in Parking Lot Rent
5/19/2009 |
May 19, 2009
5/18/2009 |
Residential Rent Ordinance: Economic Impact Report
5/15/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, March 2009
5/12/2009 |
May 12, 2009
5/11/2009 |
FY 2008-09 May 1 Biannual Overtime Report
5/7/2009 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Continental Airlines, Inc.
5/6/2009 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Annual Report: Less litter on the sidewalks, more on the streets and more graffiti on private property during 2007-08 street and sidewalk inspections
5/6/2009 |
Street and Sidewalk Maintenance Annual Report FY 2007-08
5/5/2009 |
May 5, 2009
5/5/2009 |
FY 2008-09 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
4/30/2009 |
2009 San Francisco City Survey
4/29/2009 |
Department of Elections Cost Recovery Review Special Report
4/28/2009 |
April 28, 2009
4/27/2009 |
April 21, 2009
4/22/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Tomokazu Japanese Cuisine (SFO) Inc.
4/21/2009 |
Visitacion Valley Redevelopment Project Area
4/20/2009 |
April 7, 2009
4/20/2009 |
April 14, 2009
4/9/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of WSE Group, Inc.,dba Legends of San Francisco
4/7/2009 |
March 31, 2009
4/1/2009 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statement Audit of the City Investment Pool July 1,2007, through June 30,2008
3/31/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer - February 2009
3/31/2009 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2009-10 through FY 2011-12
3/24/2009 |
March 24, 2009
3/23/2009 |
Balboa Park Station Area Plan: Economic Impact Report
3/17/2009 |
March 17, 2009
3/16/2009 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of China Cargo Airlines Ltd.
3/9/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, January 2009
3/9/2009 |
FY 2008-09 Feb 1 Biannual Overtime Report
3/3/2009 |
Recreation and Park Department: Concession Audit of Stow Lake Corporation
3/3/2009 |
March 3, 2009
3/3/2009 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 1999-00 through FY 2001-02
2/25/2009 |
Board of Supervisors: Ten Selected Organizations Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes in Fiscal Year 2006-2007
2/24/2009 |
February 24, 2009
2/19/2009 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Bay Area Restaurant Group Joint Venture
2/11/2009 |
Port Commission: Concession Reviews of: BAE, RGN, Castagnola's, Crab Station, Fog City Diner, Golden Gate Scenic, Scoma's
2/11/2009 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of Alaska Airlines, Inc.
2/10/2009 |
February 10,2009
2/10/2009 |
FY 2008-09 Six-Month Budget Status Reports
2/9/2009 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Continue Improving Administration of the Parsons Water System Improvement Program Contract
2/3/2009 |
FY 2007-08 Parks Annual Report: Park Scores Increased for Third Year and Differences Between District Averages Narrowed
2/3/2009 |
Whistleblower Program 2008-09 Mid-Year Report
2/3/2009 |
February 3, 2009
2/3/2009 |
FY 2007-08 Parks Annual Report: Park Scores Increased for Third Year and Differences Between District Averages Narrowed
1/30/2009 |
2008 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
1/30/2009 |
FY2008 Single Audit Report
1/27/2009 |
An Analysis of a Potential Freeze of City Fees on Small Businesses
1/27/2009 |
January 27, 2009
1/23/2009 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, December 2008
1/13/2009 |
January 13, 2009
1/6/2009 |
January 6, 2009
12/16/2008 |
Establishing the San Francisco Tourism Improvement District
12/16/2008 |
December 16, 2008
12/15/2008 |
Organizational Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department: Final Report
12/5/2008 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, October 2008
12/3/2008 |
Changes to Payroll Tax Exclusion for Clean Technology Businesses
11/30/2008 |
Revenue Manual - Franchise Tax
11/30/2008 |
Revenue Manual - License & Permits
11/25/2008 |
November 25, 2008
11/20/2008 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of British Airways,PLC
11/18/2008 |
November 18, 2008
11/17/2008 |
SoMa Youth and Family Zone / Mission Housing and PDR Replacement Program
11/14/2008 |
Requiring Air Quality Assessment and Ventilation in Certain Urban Infill Residential Developments
11/12/2008 |
Office of the Controller City Services Auditor Annual Report Fiscal Year 2007-08
11/6/2008 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of MN Airlines,LLC,dba Sun Country Airlines
11/6/2008 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, September 2008
11/4/2008 |
November 4, 2008
10/31/2008 |
Revised Tax Revenue Projections Given Economic Slowdown
10/30/2008 |
911 Fee Report FY07-08 (PDF)
10/28/2008 |
Whistleblower Program Annual Newsletter FY 2007-08
10/28/2008 |
October 28, 2008
10/28/2008 |
Whistleblower 2007-08 Annual Report
10/23/2008 |
Organizational Assessment of the San Francisco Police Department: A Technical Report Final Draft
10/23/2008 |
Annual Performance Measurement Report FY0708
10/21/2008 |
Transforming Your Muni System: Transit Effectiveness Project Overview
10/21/2008 |
October 21, 2008
10/7/2008 |
Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plans
10/7/2008 |
October 7, 2008
10/3/2008 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, August 2008
9/29/2008 |
Taxicab Industry Report: An Update on Rates of Fare, Gate Fees and the Industry
9/29/2008 |
Taxicab Industry Report: An Update on Rates of Fare, Gate Fees, and the Industry
9/23/2008 |
September 23, 2008
9/18/2008 |
Department of Public Health: Monitoring of A-133 Single Audit Reports for Agencies Awarded Federal Funds by DPH in Fiscal Year 2006-07
9/17/2008 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of AirTran Airways, Inc.
9/16/2008 |
September 16, 2008
9/9/2008 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of March 31, 2008
9/9/2008 |
September 9, 2008
9/2/2008 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, July 2008
8/13/2008 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Contract Compliance Analysis of La Grande Tank Replacement Project
8/12/2008 |
OEA Report:Sensitivity Analysis of New Development Impact Fees of Project Economics dated 8/12
8/12/2008 |
Sensitivity Analysis of New Development Impact Fees
8/11/2008 |
Controller's Monthly Economic Barometer, June 2008
8/5/2008 |
August 5, 2008
8/1/2008 |
FY 2008-09 Certificate of Assessed Valuation (PDF)
7/31/2008 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of SSP America, Inc., dba Anchor Steam Brewing Company and T.G.I. Friday's
7/29/2008 |
July 29, 2008
7/22/2008 |
July 22, 2008
7/22/2008 |
Revenue Manual - Sales & Use Tax
7/16/2008 |
July 16, 2008
7/14/2008 |
Real Property Transfer Tax Measures
7/14/2008 |
Payroll Tax Measures: Closing the Partnership Loophole / Raising the Small Business Exemption
7/8/2008 |
July 8, 2008
7/1/2008 |
Adopted Budget: FY 2008-2009 & FY 2009-2010
6/30/2008 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of December 31, 2007
6/30/2008 |
Department of Public Health: The Nonprofit Organization Baker Places, Inc, and DPH Need to Improve Contract Invoicing Practices
6/30/2008 |
Board of Supervisors: Status of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the San Francisco Civil Grand Juries for Fiscal Years 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, and 2006-07
6/25/2008 |
Economic Impact of Same-Sex Marriage on San Francisco
6/24/2008 |
June 24, 2008
6/20/2008 |
Performance and Efficiency Review: Department of Public Health
6/18/2008 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund Annual Report FY 2008-09
6/17/2008 |
Airport Commission: Compliance Audit of American Eagle Airlines, Inc
6/17/2008 |
June 17, 2008
6/16/2008 |
Department of Public Health Revenue Maximization Report
6/16/2008 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Luna Azul Corporation, dba Jalapeno Mexican Grill
6/13/2008 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of The Hertz Corporation
6/13/2008 |
Letter for the FY 2008-2009 Proposed Budget
6/10/2008 |
June 10, 2008
6/6/2008 |
May 6, 2008
6/4/2008 |
Memorandum: Performance Measures for Community Safety Cameras and ShotSpotter Locations
6/3/2008 |
June 3, 2008
6/2/2008 |
Expanding the Local Enterprise Zone Tax Credit Law
5/30/2008 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2008-2009 and MTA ASO FY 2009-2010 (Ordinance No. 141-08 and No. 143-08)
5/23/2008 |
Healthy San Francisco Implementation Support Project Final Report
5/23/2008 |
Adopted Budgets: Fiscal Year 2007-2008 (PDF)-15MB
5/20/2008 |
May 20, 2008
5/13/2008 |
SFPD: District Station Boundaries Analysis
5/13/2008 |
May 13, 2008
5/13/2008 |
Fiscal Year 2008-09 Master Fee Schedules
5/13/2008 |
FY 2007-08 May 1 Biannual Overtime Report
5/5/2008 |
FY 2007-08 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
4/30/2008 |
Human Services Agency: Care Not Cash Is Achieving Its Goals
4/30/2008 |
City and County of San Francisco: Faulty Payment Controls Prevent Accurate Tax Reporting For Some Employees and City Vendors
4/29/2008 |
Mayor's Green Building Requirements
4/29/2008 |
April 29, 2008
4/24/2008 |
The Community Justice Center: Assessment of the Proposed Center
4/24/2008 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of H.Young Enterprises, Inc., dba Just Desserts
4/22/2008 |
April 22, 2008
4/15/2008 |
April 15, 2008
4/8/2008 |
SFPD Foot Patrol Evaluation
4/8/2008 |
SFPD Foot Patrol Transmittal Letter
4/8/2008 |
April 8, 2008
4/7/2008 |
Office of the Mayor: Results of the Follow-up to February 2006 Management Letter to the Office of Housing
4/3/2008 |
Development Impact Fee Nexus Study Summary (PDF)
4/1/2008 |
April 1, 2008
3/31/2008 |
Survey of San Francisco Park Users Spring 2007
3/31/2008 |
Revenue Manual - Property Tax
3/28/2008 |
Office of Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash & Investments as of September 30, 2007
3/25/2008 |
March 25, 2008
3/21/2008 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2008-09 through FY 2010-11
3/18/2008 |
March 18, 2008
3/11/2008 |
March 11, 2008
3/6/2008 |
Port Commission: Purchasing and Inventory Controls Needed to Prevent Waste and Fraud
3/4/2008 |
March 4, 2008
3/3/2008 |
Prohibiting Educational Services in the Western SoMa
2/27/2008 |
Emergency Disaster Payroll Timesheet Instructions
2/27/2008 |
Emergency Disaster Daily Payroll Timesheet
2/27/2008 |
Field Expense Report Form
2/27/2008 |
Purchase Order Log
2/27/2008 |
Receipts Processing Form
2/27/2008 |
Replacement Warrant or Affidavit Request
2/27/2008 |
Request for Taxpayer ID and Certification
2/27/2008 |
Revolving Fund Voucher
2/27/2008 |
Travel Expense Voucher
2/27/2008 |
Claim for Stolen or Damaged Equipment/Property
2/27/2008 |
Claim Form and Instructions
2/27/2008 |
Interdepartmental Work Order
2/27/2008 |
Encumbrance Payment Request
2/27/2008 |
Departmental Check Releases
2/27/2008 |
Purchase Order Forms
2/27/2008 |
Direct Payment Request
2/26/2008 |
Applicant Record Keeping Instructions
2/26/2008 |
Instructions on Documenting Project Costs
2/26/2008 |
February 26, 2008
2/20/2008 |
Regulating the Permitted Locations of New Liquor Stores
2/13/2008 |
FY 2007-08 Feb 1 Biannual Overtime Report
2/12/2008 |
Amendment to the Tourist Hotel Conversion Ordinance
2/12/2008 |
Eliminating the Total Tax Cap on Film Rebates
2/12/2008 |
February 12, 2008
2/7/2008 |
FY 2007-08 6 Month Report
2/7/2008 |
FY 2007-08 Six-Month Budget Status Reports
2/5/2008 |
February 5, 2008
2/1/2008 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of March 31, 2007
1/31/2008 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of SFO Equities, LLC, dba Burger King
1/29/2008 |
Fare Free Muni System Feasibility Analysis
1/29/2008 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Air New Zealand Limited
1/29/2008 |
January 29, 2008
1/23/2008 |
Whistleblower 2007-08 Mid-Year Report
1/8/2008 |
January 2008 Taxi Report
1/8/2008 |
January 8, 2008
1/8/2008 |
Taxicab Industry Report: Recommendations on Rates of Fare and Gate Fees
1/7/2008 |
Development Impact Fee Nexus Study (PDF)
12/21/2007 |
2007 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/21/2007 |
FY2007 Single Audit Report
12/12/2007 |
Market Assessment and Benchmarking Project for the Department of Public Health
12/11/2007 |
December 11, 2007
12/4/2007 |
December 4, 2007
12/3/2007 |
FY 2007-08 Three Month Budget Status Reports
11/30/2007 |
CCSF Emergency Timesheet
11/27/2007 |
SFPD District Station Boundary Assessment
11/20/2007 |
Gas Station Divorcement
11/20/2007 |
November 20, 2007
11/19/2007 |
Perspectives on Foot Patrols: Lessons Learned from Foot Patrol Programs: Interim Report
11/16/2007 |
Transient Occupancy Tax on Airline Flight Crews
11/15/2007 |
Increasing the Gate Fee for Full-Service Taxicab Companies
11/13/2007 |
November 13, 2007
11/6/2007 |
November 6, 2007
11/1/2007 |
Office of the Controller: City Services Auditor Annual Report FY 06-07
10/30/2007 |
Eastern Neighborhoods Interim Zoning Controls
10/30/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of D-Lew Enterprises, LLC, dba Il Fornaio Caffe del Mondo
10/30/2007 |
October 30, 2007
10/25/2007 |
Parks, Streets and Sidewalk Maintenance Annual Report FY 2006-07
10/23/2007 |
October 23, 2007
10/16/2007 |
October 16, 2007
10/9/2007 |
Modifying the Definition of Liquor Store
10/5/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: North Tower Environmental, Inc.
Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
10/2/2007 |
October 2, 2007
9/28/2007 |
Market-Octavia Area Plan
9/28/2007 |
First Five San Francisco (Children And Families Commission): Financial Statements Audit July 1,2006, Through June 30, 2007
9/25/2007 |
September 25, 2007
9/20/2007 |
Fringe Financial Service Restricted Use District
9/19/2007 |
Fringe Financial Service Restricted Use District
9/18/2007 |
September 18, 2007
9/17/2007 |
Green Building Construction Requirements
9/17/2007 |
San Francisco Public Library and Department of Public Works: Strengthened Program Management Required for Branch Library Improvement Program to Avoid Further Budget Increases
9/14/2007 |
Public Utilities Commission: Analysis of Risk-Financing Practices and Alternatives for Water System Improvement Program (WSIP)
9/11/2007 |
September 11, 2007
8/14/2007 |
August 14, 2007
8/7/2007 |
August 7, 2007
7/31/2007 |
July 31, 2007
7/27/2007 |
Public Review Process For Wireless Telecommunications Services Facilities As Accessory Uses: Economic Impact Report
7/24/2007 |
July 24, 2007
7/20/2007 |
Whistleblower 2006-07 Annual Newsletter
7/17/2007 |
July 17, 2007
7/12/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Lady Luck Gourmet, LLC
7/11/2007 |
Department of Public Health: Fiscal and Compliance Monitoring of Selected Community-based Organizations for Fiscal Years 2005-06 and 2006-07
7/10/2007 |
July 10, 2007
7/9/2007 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2007-2008 (Ordinance No. 175-07)
7/5/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: The Family School Did Not Use City Funds For Political Purposes
6/27/2007 |
Port Commission: Concession Audit of Imperial Parking, Blue & Gold Fleet, China Basin Ballpark, Central Parking, Pacific Park Mgt, Pacific Marine, and Hornblower Yachts
6/26/2007 |
June 26, 2007
6/20/2007 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Allegations Concerning Red River Associates Have No Merit
6/19/2007 |
June 19, 2007
6/15/2007 |
Continuing Services of the Transgender Resources and Neighborhood Space (TRANS)
Board Reference# 20070515-003
6/14/2007 |
Revenue Letter - Fiscal Year 2007-08
6/14/2007 |
Departmental Performance Measures June 2007
6/14/2007 |
Letter for the FY 2007-2008 Proposed Budget
6/12/2007 |
6/12/2007 |
June 12, 2007
6/5/2007 |
June 5, 2007
6/4/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of EVA Airways
5/30/2007 |
Extending Inclusionary Housing Requirements to Buildings of Two Units or More
5/25/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: Public Glass Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
5/24/2007 |
Department of Building Inspection: Using Information Gained on the Job to Buy Property Was an Isolated Incident
5/22/2007 |
Community Choice Aggregation
5/22/2007 |
May 22, 2007
5/18/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project, Inc. Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
5/17/2007 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: Combined Revenue From Parking Meters and Citations Equals 91 Percent of Expected Parking Meter Revenues
5/15/2007 |
May 15, 2007
5/14/2007 |
05-07-07 Contact List
5/11/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: Plaza Apartment Associates Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
5/10/2007 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: A Review of the San Francisco AutoReturn Towing Contract for August 2005 Through July 2006
5/10/2007 |
Approval of Agreement with EarthLink, Inc. for a Citywide Wireless Broadband Internet Access Network
5/9/2007 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Concession Review of Crystal Springs Golf Partners, L. P.
5/8/2007 |
May 8, 2007
5/8/2007 |
Older Taxicab Industry Reports
5/7/2007 |
911 Fee Report FY07-08 (PDF)
5/4/2007 |
FY 2007-08 Report on 911 Access Lines and Fees
5/4/2007 |
Taxicab Industry Report (May 2007)
5/4/2007 |
FY 2006-07 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
5/2/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of U Threads, Inc.
5/2/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: Asian Women's Shelter Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
5/1/2007 |
May 1, 2007
4/25/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: Paul Pitt Consulting Firm Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
4/24/2007 |
April 24, 2007
4/23/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Tradewinds Airlines, Inc.
4/20/2007 |
FY 2006-07 May 1 Biannual Overtime Report
4/19/2007 |
2007 City Survey, Chinese Translation of Executive Summary
4/19/2007 |
2007 City Survey, Spanish Translation of Executive Summary
4/19/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: Cody's Books Did Not Use City Funds for Political Activities.
4/18/2007 |
Department of Public Health: Monitoring of A-133 Single Audit Reports for Agencies Awarded Federal Funds by the Department in Fiscal Year 2005-06
4/17/2007 |
Board of Supervisors:The Consulting Firm of Nancy Giunta Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
4/17/2007 |
2007 San Francisco City Survey
4/17/2007 |
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency: The Agency Needs to Improve Cable Car Fare Collection Practices
4/17/2007 |
April 17, 2007
4/10/2007 |
April 10, 2007
4/9/2007 |
Board of Supervisors:Triage Consulting Group Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
4/6/2007 |
Board of Supervisors:Status of the Implementation of the Recommendations of the San Francisco Civil Grand Juries for Fiscal Years 03-04 thru 05-06
4/4/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of America West Airlines, Inc. dba US Airways
4/2/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: A Review of Comcast of California III, Inc's Franchise Fee Payments 2003 Through 2005
3/30/2007 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Concession Review of Orchard Supply Hardware LLC
3/30/2007 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of Statement of Cash and Investments as of December 31, 2006.
3/27/2007 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund Annual Report March 2007
3/27/2007 |
March 27, 2007
3/22/2007 |
RFQ SFPD Pre-Response Q&A
3/22/2007 |
RFQ to Provide Transition Planning and Consulting Services to Laguna Honda Hospital
3/22/2007 |
3/22/2007 |
3/22/2007 |
3/22/2007 |
3/21/2007 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations
FY 2007-08 through FY 2009-10
3/21/2007 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2007-08 through FY 2009-10
3/20/2007 |
March 20, 2007
3/16/2007 |
Individual Reports on Selected Parks- FY06-07
3/16/2007 |
Recreation and Park Commission: Concession Review of Kezar Parking Lot
3/16/2007 |
Office of the Sheriff: The Sheriff is Entitled to Additional Commissions from Its telephone Services Provider for the Inmate Welfare Fund
3/13/2007 |
March 13, 2007
3/6/2007 |
March 6, 2007
3/5/2007 |
Mayor's Office of Economic And Workforce Development: Chinatown Neighborhood Association was Overpaid for Night Market Expenses
2/27/2007 |
February 27, 2007
2/22/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Burger Joint, Inc.
2/20/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of US Airways, Inc.
2/12/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Nippon Cargo Airlines Co., Ltd.
2/2/2007 |
FY 2006-07 Six-Month Budget Status Report
2/2/2007 |
Special Report - Transbay Terminal Analysis of Financial Plan
2/1/2007 |
Department of Children, Youth and Their Families: San Francisco Neighbors Resource Center Could Not Account for All Its Grant Expenditures
1/24/2007 |
Office of Citizen Complaints: Weak Case Management and Organizational Issues Degrade OCCs Performance
1/24/2007 |
Residential Inclusionary Affordable Housing Requirements
1/24/2007 |
FY 2006-07 Feb 1 Biannual Overtime Report
1/22/2007 |
Department of the Environment: Improve Business Practices to Advance Environmental Programs
1/22/2007 |
Board of Supervisors: The Airport's Investment in SFO Enterprises, Inc. Will Result in Losses of $667,000 and May Increase Up to $1.5 Million
1/19/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Store
1/19/2007 |
Revenue Manual - Stadium Admission Tax
1/18/2007 |
Whistleblower 2006-07 Mid-Year Report
1/17/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Fung Lum Restaurant Group
1/16/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of SkyWest Airlines, Inc.
1/15/2007 |
January 15, 2008
1/8/2007 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Brookstone Company, Inc
1/8/2007 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of September 30, 2006
1/5/2007 |
Parking Authority: Improve Administration of the North Beach and Vallejo Street Garages
1/5/2007 |
Extending the Tourist Hotel Conversion Ordinance for an Additional 6 months
1/5/2007 |
A Guide to San Francisco's Budget Process (Chinese)
1/5/2007 |
A Guide to San Francisco's Budget Process (Spanish)
12/20/2006 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: Bayview Opera House Properly Used Grant Funds but Incorrectly Billed the Arts Commission
12/20/2006 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: African American Art and Culture Complex Properly Used Grant Funds But Did Not Comply With All Reporting Requirements
12/20/2006 |
Department of Public Health: The Laguna Hospital and Rehabilitation and Center Improperly Purchased Linen and Other Supplies, and Needs to Improve Its Purchasing Procedures
12/20/2006 |
2006 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/14/2006 |
CSA Annual Report FY2005-06
12/12/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: NRG Energy Center San Francisco LLC
Owes Additional Franchise Fees for 2003 Through 2005
12/11/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of ABX Air, Inc.
12/11/2006 |
Fishermans Wharf Portside
Community Benefit District
11/27/2006 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statements Audit of the City Investment Pool July 1, 2005, Through June 30, 2006
11/20/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: A Review of RCN Telecom Services, Inc. Franchise Fee Payments
11/17/2006 |
Department of Telecommunications and Information Services: The Department Needs to Simplify Its Rate Model, Improve Customer Service, and Revamp Performance Measures
11/13/2006 |
Replacement of a General Grocery Store with the Same Use is not Formula Retail
11/6/2006 |
FY 2006-07 Three Month Budget Status Reports
10/5/2006 |
Community Benefit Districts - Central Market
10/2/2006 |
Sources of Funding for the Public Education Enrichment Fund, FY 2007-08
9/29/2006 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of March 31, 2006
9/28/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: San Francisco Senior Action Network Did Not Use City Funds for Political Purposes
9/21/2006 |
Establishing the Trinity Plaza Special Use District
9/20/2006 |
Payroll Expense Tax Exclusion for Persons Who Hire the Disabled and the Indigent
9/15/2006 |
First Five San Francisco (Children And Families Commission): Financial Statements Audit July 1,2005, Through June 30, 2006
9/5/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Properly Paid Its Franchise Fees From January 1, 2003, Through December 31, 2005
8/31/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Deli Up Enterprises, LLC
8/22/2006 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Concession Audit of Santa Clara Sand and Gravel
8/21/2006 |
Airport Commission:
Concession Audit of
Astar Air Cargo, Inc.
8/17/2006 |
Adopted Budgets: Fiscal Year 2006-2007 (PDF)-10MB
8/9/2006 |
Community Benefit Districts - Fillmore Jazz District
8/1/2006 |
Updated Park Maintenance Standards 2006
7/31/2006 |
Health Commission: A Review of Two Cash Revolving Funds From June 1, 2004 Through August 31, 2005
7/26/2006 |
Whistleblower 2005-06 Annual Newsletter
7/24/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit - The Allen Group, LLC
7/19/2006 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Accounting Practices at Water Quality Bureau Laboratories
7/19/2006 |
Increasing the Requirements of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program ADDENDUM
7/14/2006 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments as of December 31, 2005
7/13/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Reviews of Department Head Transitions at Seven City Departments
7/12/2006 |
Increasing the Requirements of the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program
7/11/2006 |
Expand the Inclusionary Affordable Housing Program to Include 5 units or more
7/7/2006 |
CSA 2005-06 Annual Report on Parks and Streets Maintenance
6/30/2006 |
Recreation And Park Commission: Concession Audit of the Harding Park Golf Course Complex July 1, 2004, Through June 30, 2005
6/30/2006 |
Performance Measures by Department 2006
6/29/2006 |
Minimum Compensation
6/28/2006 |
Formula Retail Use Public Notice Western SoMa Planning Area SUD
6/28/2006 |
Western SoMa Planning Area SUD
6/23/2006 |
Worker Health Care Security Ordinance
6/21/2006 |
Fiscal Year 2006-07 Master Fee Schedules
6/21/2006 |
Annual Salary Ordinance (ASO) : FY 2006-2007
6/16/2006 |
Letter for the FY 2006-2007 Proposed Budget
6/15/2006 |
Index by Date Order of Audit Reports Issued From Fiscal Year 1982-83 Through Fiscal Year 2004-05
6/15/2006 |
Index by Department of Audit Reports Issued From Fiscal Year 1982-83 Through Fiscal Year 2004-05
6/14/2006 |
Staffing and Planning Issues at Elections Department
6/9/2006 |
Revenue Manual - Business Registration Fee
6/9/2006 |
Revenue Manual - Parking Tax
6/8/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-Footloose Dance Company, Inc.
5/30/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Status of the Implementation of the SF Civil Grand Juries
5/26/2006 |
Recreation and Park Department: Concession Audit of Lincoln Park Golf Course January 1, 2002, Through December 31, 2004
5/25/2006 |
Police Staffing Needs at SF International Airport 2006
5/25/2006 |
Management Letter - Board of Supervisors: Minor Finding of the Political Activity Audit of Ace Legal Assistance
5/24/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-Ace Legal Assistance
5/23/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Host International, Inc. Food and Beverage Facilities
5/19/2006 |
San Francisco Park Maintenance Standards: Park Evaluation Report: Jul 26, 2005 to Jan 9, 2006
5/17/2006 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: Water Infrastructure Partners Overhead Reviews
5/16/2006 |
Public Education Enrichment Fund 2006
5/15/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-Up From Darkness Inc.
5/15/2006 |
Department of Public Health: Monitoring of A-133 Single Audit Reports for Agencies Awarded Federal Funds by the Department in Fiscal Year 2004-05
5/11/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-Tigresse Fashion, LLC
5/10/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit -Museo ItaloAmericano
5/5/2006 |
Off-Street Parking in C-3 Zoning Districts And For Bicycles and Car Share
5/3/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-HomeBase, The Center for Common Concerns
5/3/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-RISE Institute
5/3/2006 |
FY 2005-06 Nine-Month Budget Status Reports
4/24/2006 |
San Francisco Arts Commission: SomArts Properly Used Grant Funds but Needs to Improve Its Accounting and Reporting Procedures
4/14/2006 |
Board of Supervisors: Political Activity Audit-La Playa Apartments
4/7/2006 |
Office of The Treasurer And Tax Collector: Review of the Statement of Cash and Investments at September 30, 2005
4/7/2006 |
Community Clinic Revenue Maximization – Moss Adams Report
4/6/2006 |
Special Report - San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Presentation Introducing the Transit Effectiveness Project
4/4/2006 |
Department of Public Health:Fiscal & Compliance Monitoring of Selected Community-based Organizations for Fiscal Year 2004-05
4/1/2006 |
MTA Transit Effectiveness Project 2006: Appendix
3/30/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of China Airlines
3/30/2006 |
Management Letter - Airport Commission: Minor Findings of the Concession Audit of China Airlines, Ltd.
3/24/2006 |
Film Rebate Program
3/21/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Air China
3/15/2006 |
Three-Year Budget Projection for General Fund Supported Operations FY 2006-07 through FY 2008-09
3/10/2006 |
San Francisco Public Library: A Review of the Cash Revolving Fund July 1, 2004, Through August 31, 2005
3/2/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Review of Sees Candies
2/23/2006 |
Port Commission: Concession Review of Guardinos Souvenir & Gift Shop, Inc.
2/23/2006 |
Port Commission: Concession Review of Sabella and LaTorre Sea Foods
2/23/2006 |
Airport Commission: Review of CPA Audits of Alamo Rent-A-Car, Inc. and National Car Rental System, Inc. for Reporting Period January 1, 2003 Through December 31, 2004
2/23/2006 |
Airport Commission: Review of CPA Audit of Thrifty Rent-A-Car System, Inc. for Reporting Period January 1, 2002 Through December 31, 2004
2/21/2006 |
Management Letter - Airport Commission: Minor Findings of the Concession Audit of Harbor Airport, LLC
2/21/2006 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Harbor Airport, LLC July 1, 2003, Through June 30, 2005
2/9/2006 |
Review of Nonprofit Contractors
2/8/2006 |
Taxi Commission Survey Report 2005
2/3/2006 |
FY 2005-06 Six-Month Budget Status Reports
2/2/2006 |
Department on the Status of Women: The Nonprofit Women Organized to Make Abuse Nonexistent, Inc., Over Billed the City for Services and Did Not Maintain Adequate Accounting Records
2/1/2006 |
Human Services Agency: Family and Children’s Services Does Not Have a Structured Program to Attain and Sustain Full Compliance with Laws and Regulations
2/1/2006 |
MTA Transit Effectiveness Project Policy Advisory Group Presentation 2006
1/20/2006 |
Whistleblower 2005-06 Mid-Year Report
1/16/2006 |
Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector: Financial Statements Audit of the City Investment Pool July 1, 2004 Through June 30, 2005
1/12/2006 |
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission: The Sixth Review of Its Professional Services Agreement For Management Services of Its Capital Improvement Program
1/5/2006 |
Mayor's Office of Community Development: The Nonprofit Filipino-American Council of San Francisco, Inc. Mismanaged City Grant Funds
12/29/2005 |
2005 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)
12/21/2005 |
San Francisco Police Department: Charitable Organization Audits for Calendar Year 2005
12/16/2005 |
Mission Housing Development Corporation: A Complex Organization That Needs to Improve Its Controls Over Housing and Service Provision and Requires City Monitoring to Preserve the City’s Investment
12/16/2005 |
Parks Staffing Assessment by Facility Name
12/16/2005 |
Park Assignment
12/15/2005 |
CSA Annual
12/15/2005 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of United Airlines
12/12/2005 |
Treasure Island Development Authority: The Authority has Poor Management of Financial Practices, Staffing, Subleases, Expenditures, and Employee Payroll and Reimbursements
12/12/2005 |
Airport Commission: Review of CPA Audits of Budget Rent A Car Systems, Inc. for Reporting Period January 1, 2003 Through December 31, 2004
12/6/2005 |
Airport Commission: Review of CPA Audit of Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company of San Francisco for Reporting January 1, 2001 Through December 31, 2001
12/1/2005 |
Airport Commission:Concession Audit of Bayport Concessions, LLC
12/1/2005 |
Controller's Efficiency and Strategic Plan
11/28/2005 |
Airport Commission: Concession Audit of Air France
11/17/2005 |
Special report - Recreation and Parks Commission Presentation on Implementation Status of November 2003 Proposition C Regarding Parks Maintenance
11/15/2005 |
SF Community Indicators P |